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Synonyms for in truth

Grammar : Adj, adv
Spell : trooth
Phonetic Transcription : truθ

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Définition of in truth

Origin :
  • Old English triewð (West Saxon), treowð (Mercian) "faithfulness, quality of being true," from triewe, treowe "faithful" (see true), with Proto-Germanic abstract noun suffix *-itho (see -th (2)).
  • Meaning "accuracy, correctness" is from 1560s. Unlike lie (v.), there is no primary verb in English or most other IE languages for "speak the truth." Noun sense of "something that is true" is first recorded mid-14c.
  • Let [Truth] and Falsehood grapple; who ever knew Truth put to the worse, in a free and open encounter. [Milton, "Areopagitica," 1644]
  • Truth squad in U.S. political sense first attested 1952. Truthiness "act or quality of preferring concepts or facts one wishes to be true, rather than those known to be true," catch word popularized in this sense by U.S. comedian Stephen Colbert, declared by American Dialect Society to be "2005 Word of the Year."
  • As in actually : adj truly real, existent
  • As in historical : adj recorded as actually having happened
  • As in indeed : adv actually
  • As in quite : adv completely
  • As in truly : adv really, doubtlessly
  • As in frankly : adv very honestly

Antonyms for in truth

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