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Synonyms for in spires
Grammar : Verb |
Spell : in-spahyuh r |
Phonetic Transcription : ɪnˈspaɪər |
Top 10 synonyms for in spires Other synonyms for the word in spires
- absorb
- acquaint
- act on
- act upon
- activate
- actuate
- add fuel to fire
- adjure
- adjy
- advance
- advertise
- advocate
- aid
- amuse
- animate
- applaud
- arouse
- assemble
- assist
- assure
- attract
- awaken
- awe
- back
- bag
- be conspicuous
- be plausible
- be responsible for
- be victorious
- bear down
- begin
- beguile
- bend
- beseech
- bestir
- bet on
- betray
- bias
- bite
- blab
- blow
- blow away
- bolster
- boost
- brace
- brainwash
- breathe into
- breed
- brief
- brighten
- bring
- bring about
- bring down
- bring on
- bring to one's feet
- bring up
- browbeat
- buck up
- budge
- buffalo
- build
- build a fire under
- build up
- bulldoze
- buoy
- buoy up
- burn
- burn up
- call forth
- captivate
- capture
- carry
- catch one's breath
- catechize
- cause
- caution
- challenge
- champion
- change
- charge
- charm
- chase
- cheer
- cheer up
- choke
- clue
- coax
- coerce
- come to mind
- comfort
- commend
- commove
- compel
- compose
- conduct
- conjure
- console
- constitute
- constrain
- construct
- control
- convert
- convince
- convulse
- counsel
- countenance
- crack
- crack up
- craze
- create
- cultivate
- dawn on
- delight
- detect
- diffuse
- direct
- dispatch
- dispose
- disseminate
- distract
- disturb
- divert
- do
- dog
- dominate
- drag
- dragoon
- draw
- draw forth
- draw in
- draw up
- drive
- dynamize
- ecstasize
- edify
- educate
- effect
- egg on
- elate
- electrify
- elevate
- elicit
- embolden
- enchant
- encourage
- endorse
- endow
- endue
- energize
- enforce
- engender
- engraft
- engross
- enhearten
- enkindle
- enlighten
- enliven
- entertain
- enthrall
- enthuse
- entreat
- erect
- establish
- evoke
- exalt
- exasperate
- excite
- exert influence
- exhilarate
- exhort
- expedite
- familiarize
- fan
- fan the fire
- favor
- faze
- feed the fire
- feel out
- fight for breath
- fill in
- fire
- fire up
- flush
- flutter
- foment
- force
- force in
- forewarn
- fortify
- forward
- foster
- found
- further
- gain
- galvanize
- gasp
- generate
- get
- get going
- get one going
- get one started
- get smoking
- get through to
- get to
- give a lift
- give a pointer
- give a tip
- give away
- give confidence
- give courage
- give impetus
- give incentive
- give one an idea
- give pep talk
- give rise to
- give shot in arm
- give two cents
- gladden
- glorify
- glow
- go over big
- go to town on
- goad
- goose
- govern
- grab
- grandstand
- gratify
- grow
- guarantee
- guide
- gulp
- harass
- hasten
- hatch
- have semblance
- hearten
- heave
- heighten
- help
- help out
- herd
- hint
- hit
- hold sway over
- hook
- hound
- humor
- hurl
- hurry
- hurt
- hustle
- illuminate
- imbue
- impact on
- impart
- impassion
- impel
- impinge
- implant
- implore
- imply
- impregnate
- impress
- inaugurate
- incite
- incline
- increase
- inculcate
- indicate
- indoctrinate
- induce
- indulge
- infect
- infiltrate
- infix
- inflame
- influence
- inform
- infuse
- ingrain
- inhale
- initiate
- inject
- injure
- innervate
- innerve
- inoculate
- inseminate
- insert
- insinuate
- insist on
- inspire
- inspirit
- install
- instigate
- instill
- institute
- instruct
- insufflate
- intensify
- interest
- interject
- intermix
- intersperse
- intoxicate
- introduce
- invest
- invigorate
- involve
- irritate
- jazz
- jog
- jolly
- juice
- key up
- kick
- kid
- kill
- kindle
- knock dead
- knock one's socks off
- knock out
- lash
- launch
- lead
- lead by the nose
- lead to
- leak
- lean on
- leaven
- let in on
- let know
- level
- lift
- lift up
- liven
- look
- make
- make a hit
- make alive
- make an impression
- make conversant with
- make expectant
- make haste
- make merry
- make of a mind to
- make provision for
- make splash
- make waves
- manage
- maneuver
- mark
- melt
- mention
- mobilize
- modify
- motivate
- move
- muster
- nag
- needle
- nose
- notify
- oblige
- occasion
- occupy
- occur to
- open
- operate
- organize
- originate
- overawe
- overburden
- overcome
- overpress
- overrule
- overwork
- palpitate
- pant
- pep up
- perk
- perk up
- permeate
- persuade
- perturb
- pervade
- pick up
- pique
- plant
- play on
- plead
- please
- plug
- poke
- post
- pound
- pour it on
- power
- praise
- prearrange
- precipitate
- predetermine
- predispose
- prejudice
- prepare
- press
- pressure
- prevail
- prevail on
- prevail upon
- prick
- prickle
- prime
- prod
- produce
- program
- promote
- prompt
- prop up
- propagandize
- propel
- propose
- provoke
- psych
- psych up
- psyche up
- puff
- pull
- push
- push around
- put across
- put forward
- put in head
- put one's mind to rest
- put the screws to
- put together
- put up
- put up to
- put zip into
- quicken
- quiver
- race one's motor
- railroad
- raise
- rally
- rationalize
- reach
- rear
- reassure
- recommend
- recreate
- refine
- refresh
- regale
- regard
- register
- reign
- rejoice
- relate
- relax
- relieve
- remind
- request
- require
- respire
- restore
- revitalize
- revive
- revivify
- ride herd on
- rile
- rouse
- roust
- rout
- rule
- rule over
- rush
- sanction
- satisfy
- saturate
- scent
- score
- secure
- seem
- sell
- sell on
- send
- send word
- set
- set afoot
- set astir
- set in motion
- set off
- set up
- shake up
- sharpen
- shepherd
- shift
- shove
- show off
- show the ropes
- sic
- slay
- smart
- smell
- snap one out of it
- snap up
- sniff
- sniffle
- snift
- snitch
- snort
- snuff
- snuffle
- soften
- soften up
- solace
- solicit
- soothe
- sound
- spark
- speak for
- speed
- speed up
- spirit
- spirit up
- spook
- spring
- spur
- squeal
- squeeze
- start
- start off
- steam up
- steamroll
- steel
- steep
- step up
- stimulate
- stir
- stir embers
- stir up
- strengthen
- strike
- strike a chord
- stroke
- strong-arm
- sublimate
- submit
- subsidize
- suck in
- suffuse
- suggest
- support
- suscitate
- sustain
- sway
- switch on
- talk into
- tattle
- taunt
- teach
- tell
- tell on
- tempt
- thrill
- thrust
- tickle
- tingle
- tip
- titillate
- titivate
- touch
- touch off
- tout
- transform
- transfuse
- tremble
- trigger
- tug at
- tug at the heart
- turn
- turn on
- turn one's head
- twist one's arm
- update
- uplift
- upset
- urge
- usher in
- vitalize
- vivificate
- vivify
- wake
- wake up
- waken
- warn
- wheedle
- wheeze
- whet
- whip up
- whitewash
- whoop
- win over
- wise
- work into lather
- work on
- work up
- worry
- wound
- wow
Définition of in spires
Origin :- mid-14c., enspiren, "to fill (the mind, heart, etc., with grace, etc.);" also "to prompt or induce (someone to do something)," from Old French enspirer (13c.), from Latin inspirare "inflame; blow into" (see inspiration), a loan-translation of Greek pnein in the Bible. General sense of "influence or animate with an idea or purpose" is from late 14c. Also sometimes used in literal sense in Middle English Related: Inspired; inspires; inspiring.
- As in impress : verb influence
- As in incite : verb encourage, provoke
- As in inform : verb communicate knowledge, information
- As in infuse : verb introduce; soak
- As in inhale : verb breathe in
- As in inspire : verb encourage, stimulate
- As in instill : verb implant, introduce
- As in kindle : verb excite, incite
- As in motivate : verb stimulate, instigate
- As in move : verb motivate, influence
- As in assure : verb convince, relieve doubt
- As in occasion : verb make happen, bring about
- As in predispose : verb influence to believe something
- As in prompt : verb incite, cue
- As in provoke : verb start, evoke; stimulate
- As in push : verb incite, urge
- As in quicken : verb make faster; invigorate
- As in reassure : verb restore confidence to
- As in set up : verb start
- As in sniff : verb breathe in
- As in stimulate : verb excite, provoke
- As in sting : verb prick, pain
- As in stir : verb incite, stimulate
- As in strike : verb make an impact
- As in sway : verb influence, affect
- As in thrill : verb excite, stimulate
- As in touch : verb have an effect on
- As in urge : verb beg, push for, encourage
- As in boost : verb further, improve
- As in bring on : verb provoke
- As in carry : verb win; accomplish
- As in actuate : verb start a function or action, motivate
- As in impassion : verb fire
- As in inspirit : verb encourage
- As in inspirit : verb elate
- As in vitalize : verb quicken
- As in affect : verb influence, affect emotionally
- As in drive : verb move or urge on
- As in elevate : verb raise spirits
- As in embolden : verb encourage
- As in encourage : verb stimulate spiritually
- As in entertain : verb amuse
- As in exhilarate : verb make very happy
- As in fire : verb excite, arouse
- As in animate : verb bring to life
- As in gasp : verb draw breath in sharply
- As in get : verb have an effect on
- As in hearten : verb raise someone's spirits
- As in impel : verb prompt, incite
Antonyms for in spires
- abandon
- agitate
- aid
- anger
- annoy
- answer
- be fair
- be just
- be quiet
- be still
- bear
- block
- blow
- blunt
- bore
- breathe out
- bring down
- calm
- cease
- censure
- check
- close
- comply
- conceal
- conclude
- condemn
- confuse
- consent
- continue
- cower
- create
- criticize
- curb
- cure
- dally
- damage
- dampen
- deaden
- deceive
- decelerate
- decrease
- dehydrate
- deject
- delay
- delight
- demolish
- demote
- denounce
- deny
- depart
- deprecate
- depress
- destroy
- deter
- diminish
- disappoint
- disapprove
- disarrange
- disconcert
- discourage
- disdain
- disenchant
- disgrace
- dishearten
- dislodge
- dismantle
- disorder
- disorganize
- disperse
- dispirit
- displease
- disregard
- dissuade
- distress
- disturb
- drop
- dry
- dull
- end
- enervate
- exhale
- extinguish
- fail
- finish
- fix
- forfeit
- forget
- frustrate
- give birth
- give in
- halt
- heal
- help
- hide
- hinder
- hire
- hold
- hold nose
- hurt
- ignore
- impede
- irritate
- keep
- keep secret
- kill
- laze
- learn
- leave
- leave alone
- lessen
- let go
- lose
- lower
- lull
- make happy
- misconstrue
- misguide
- mislead
- mismanage
- miss
- misunderstand
- neglect
- not touch
- not use
- obey
- obscure
- offend
- oppose
- order
- overtake
- overthrow
- pacify
- pain
- pass
- pass up
- pause
- please
- prevent
- procrastinate
- prohibit
- protest
- pull
- push down
- put out
- quiet
- raze
- receive
- refuse
- reject
- release
- remain
- repel
- reply
- repress
- repulse
- rest
- result
- retard
- retreat
- ruin
- sadden
- scatter
- secret
- secrete
- serve
- set back
- shame
- shrink
- shy away
- slow
- soothe
- spurn
- stagnate
- stay
- steady
- stop
- submit
- suppress
- surrender
- take apart
- take out
- tap
- tire
- tranquilize
- trouble
- turn away
- turn off
- undermine
- understand
- uninspire
- unnerve
- uproot
- upset
- wait
- weaken
- withhold
- worry
- yield
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019