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Synonyms for in essence

Grammar : Adj, adv
Spell : es-uhns
Phonetic Transcription : ˈɛs əns

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Définition of in essence

Origin :
  • late 14c., essencia (respelled late 15c. on French model), from Latin essentia "being, essence," abstract noun formed (in imitation of Greek ousia "being, essence") from essent-, present participle stem of esse "to be," from PIE *es- (cf. Sanskrit asmi, Hittite eimi, Old Church Slavonic jesmi, Lithuanian esmi, Gothic imi, Old English eom "I am;" see be). Originally "substance of the Trinity," the general sense of "basic element of anything" is first recorded in English 1650s, though this is the base meaning of the first English use of essential.
  • As in practically : adj almost; nearly
  • As in nearly : adv almost
  • As in per se : adv essentially
  • As in basically : adv fundamentally
  • As in substantially : adv to a large extent
  • As in virtually : adv for all practical purposes
  • As in essentially : adv basically
  • As in at heart : adv in reality

Antonyms for in essence

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