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Synonyms for hyper-ventilations
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : hahy-per-ven-tl-ey-shuh n |
Phonetic Transcription : ˌhaɪ pərˌvɛn tlˈeɪ ʃən |
Définition of hyper-ventilations
Origin :- 1907, from hyper- + ventilation. Earlier as a type of treatment for lung diseases.
- As in panting : noun gasping
Words or expressions associated with your search
- advent
- adventitious
- adventure park
- adventured
- adventurer
- adventures
- adventuresome
- adventuresomeness
- adventuring
- adventurous
- adventurousness
- athletic event
- atrioventricular band
- atrioventricular bundle
- atrioventricular trunk
- be invented
- birth prevention
- blessed event
- cavaliere servente
- chain event
- chain events
- chain of event
- chain of events
- charity event
- circumvention
- convent
- convention
- conventional formality
- conventionalist
- conventionally
- course of events
- elaborate promotional event
- eleventh grade
- eleventh-hour
- eleventh hour
- eleventhhour
- event
- eventful
- eventide
- events
- eventual
- eventuality
- eventually
- eventuate
- fervent
- fervent/fervid
- fervently
- field event
- happy event
- hyper-ventilations
- hyperventilation
- in any event
- in event
- in seventh heaven
- in solvent
- in solvents
- in that event
- in the eleventh hour
- in the event
- in vent
- in vented
- in venting
- in vents
- insolvent
- intervention
- invent
- invention
- inventive
- inventiveness
- inventor
- inventories
- main event
- method of preventing pregnancy
- net event
- non event
- nonevent
- nonevents
- nonintervention
- of event anticipation
- order event
- order events
- order of event
- order of events
- overventuresome
- peradventure
- peradventures
- prevent
- prevent publication
- preventative
- prevented
- prevention
- preventive
- preventive custody
- preventive medicine
- risky venture
- Rube Goldberg invention
- Second Advent
- Seventh Avenue
- seventh cranial nerve
- seventh heaven
- solvent
- solvent abuse
- subvention
- supernatural event
- supervention
- unadventurous
- unaware of events
- unconventional
- unconventionality
- uneventful
- unforeseen event
- uninventive
- vent
- ventilation
- ventral
- ventriloquist
- venture
- ventured
- venturer
- ventures
- venturesome
- venturesomely
- venturesomeness
- venturousness
- very profitable venture
- very unconventional
- be hyper
- hype
- hyped
- hyped-up
- hyped up
- hyper
- hyper active
- hyper-active
- hyper bole
- hyper-bole
- hyper boles
- hyper-boles
- hyper-boreal
- hyper critical
- hyper-critical
- hyper inflations
- hyper physical
- hyperactive
- hyperactiveness
- hyperactivity
- hyperbaric chamber
- hyperbola
- hyperbole
- hyperbolic
- hyperbolism
- hyperbolize
- hyperboreal
- hyperborean
- hypercritic
- hypercritical
- hypercriticize
- hyperinflation
- hypermedia
- hypermetropia
- hyperopia
- hyperphagia
- hyperphysical
- hyperpnea
- hypersensitive
- hypersensitivity
- hypersonic
- hyperspace
- hypertext documents
- hyperventilation
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