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Synonyms for head shrinker

Grammar : Noun
Spell : shringk
Phonetic Transcription : ʃrɪŋk

Top 10 synonyms for head shrinker Other synonyms for the word head shrinker

Définition of head shrinker

Origin :
  • Old English scrincan "to draw in the limbs, contract, shrivel up; wither, pine away" (class III strong verb; past tense scranc, past participle scruncen), from Proto-Germanic *skrink- (cf. Middle Dutch schrinken), probably from PIE root *(s)ker- (3) "to turn, bend."
  • Originally with causal shrench (cf. drink/drench). Sense of "become reduced in size" recorded from late 13c. The meaning "draw back, recoil" (early 14c.) perhaps was suggested by the behavior of snails. Transitive sense, "cause to shrink" is from late 14c. Shrink-wrap is attested from 1961 (shrinking-wrap from 1959). Shrinking violet "shy person" attested from 1882.
  • As in psychoanalyst : noun psychiatrist
  • As in analyst : noun person who examines and determines; psychoanalyst
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