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Synonyms for hat trick
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of hat trick
Origin :- 1879, originally from cricket, "taking three wickets on three consecutive deliveries;" extended to other sports (especially ice hockey) c.1909. Allegedly because it entitled the bowler to receive a hat from his club commemorating the feat (or entitled him to pass the hat for a cash collection), but also influenced by the image of a conjurer pulling things from his hat (attested by 1876). The term was used earlier for a different sort of magic trick:
- Place a glass of liquor on the table, put a hat over it, and say, "I will engage to drink every drop of that liquor, and yet I'll not touch the hat." You then get under the table; and after giving three knocks, you make a noise with your mouth, as if you were swallowing the liquor. Then, getting from under the table, say "Now, gentlemen, be pleased to look." Some one, eager to see if you have drunk the liquor, will raise the hat; when you instantly take the glass and swallow the contents, saying, "Gentlemen I have fulfilled my promise: you are all witnesses that I did not touch the hat." ["Wit and Wisdom," London, 1860]
- noun three successes
- It played the "hat trick" with the gentility of modern manners.
- Extract from : « Now It Can Be Told » by Philip Gibbs
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- constricted
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- electric iron
- electric Kool Aid
- electric Kool-aid
- electric kool-aids
- electric kool aids
- electric koolaid
- electric koolaids
- electric line
- electric outlet
- electric pig
- electric receptacle
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- electric stove
- electrical expert
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- electrical noise
- electrical storm
- electrician
- electricity
- electricity cable
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- extricate
- extricate oneself
- extrication
- extriction
- factory district
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- gastric
- geometric
- geometrical
- geometrical progression
- geriatric
- geriatrics
- gravimetric analysis
- hat trick
- heliocentric system
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- hydro electricities
- hydro-electricities
- hydro electricity
- hydro-electricity
- hydroelectric plant
- hydroelectric scheme
- hydroelectricities
- hydroelectricity
- iatric
- iatrical
- in a trice
- in extricable
- in strict confidence
- in trice
- intricacy
- intricate
- kill by electric shock
- killed by electric shock
- make intricate
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- matriculate
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- meretricious
- metric
- metrical
- more diametric
- more electric
- more electrical
- most electric
- non-restriction
- non-restrictions
- non restrictions
- non-symmetrical
- non symmetrical
- nonrestriction
- nonsymmetrical
- not missing a trick
- not strictly speaking
- obstetrician
- of impossible feats by tricks abracadabra
- optometric physician
- ostrich feathers
- panic stricken
- panic-stricken
- panicstricken
- patrician
- patriciate
- perimetric
- play trick on
- play tricks
- poverty-stricken person
- psychiatric hospital
- psychometric test
- radiometric dating
- re districted
- re-districting
- re strict
- re striction
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- restrictedly
- restricting
- restriction fragment length polymorphism
- restrictive
- strict
- strict fast
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- strictly speaking
- strictness
- stricture
- symmetrical
- terror-stricken
- theatrical
- theatrically
- theatricals
- tricarboxylic acid cycle
- trick
- trickery
- trickily
- trickiness
- trickle
- tricky
- unrestricted
- unsymmetrical
- volumetric analysis
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