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Synonyms for ghost story
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of ghost story
- As in fairy tale : noun children's imaginative story with magical characters
- It was as if a professed unbeliever in ghosts should be frightened by a ghost story.
- Extract from : « A Tale of Two Cities » by Charles Dickens
- (a) The Ghost Story usually has a definite plot, in which the ghost is an actor.
- Extract from : « Short Story Writing » by Charles Raymond Barrett
- It was as good as a ghost story, every one was so spellbound and mystified.
- Extract from : « The Fifth Form at Saint Dominic's » by Talbot Baines Reed
- One could never gain her attention with anything but a ghost story.
- Extract from : « The Hour and the Man » by Harriet Martineau
- I knew that, like the man in the ghost story, my only safety lay here.
- Extract from : « Black Spirits and White » by Ralph Adams Cram
- Mrs. Gaskell's ghost story I have got this morning; have not yet read.
- Extract from : « The Letters of Charles Dickens » by Charles Dickens
- I am charmed to learn that you have had a freeze out of my ghost story.
- Extract from : « The Letters of Charles Dickens » by Charles Dickens
- Just as Angeline was in the midst of a ghost story, Johnny rushed in again.
- Extract from : « Dotty Dimple At Home » by Sophie May
- The morning after the telling of the ghost story things began to happen.
- Extract from : « Bar-20 Days » by Clarence E. Mulford
- A lame "ghost story" at best, no matter how well delivered, but it won in my case.
- Extract from : « My Life » by Josiah Flynt
Words or expressions associated with your search
- ancestor
- ancient history
- barnstorm
- barnstormer
- barter store
- big store
- brainstorm
- brainstormed
- brainstorming
- candy store
- case history
- chain store
- cold storage
- convenience store
- cook up a storm
- country store
- cowboy story
- cut-rate store
- cyclonic storm
- data storage
- discount store
- distort
- distorted
- distorter
- distortion
- distortions
- dust storm
- early history
- electrical storm
- eye of the storm
- factory store
- fairy story
- family history
- farfetched story
- fish story
- flat store
- food store
- gave up the ghost
- general store
- geomagnetic storm
- ghost
- ghost of a chance
- ghost story
- ghost town
- ghost writer
- ghosted
- ghoster
- ghosting
- ghostly
- ghostwrite
- gift store
- give away the store
- give up the ghost
- giving up the ghost
- grocery store
- hailstorm
- historic
- historical
- historical fiction
- history
- Holy Ghost
- hot story
- impostor
- in store
- in the upper story
- inside story
- life history
- line storm
- made a long story short
- made long story short
- magnetic storm
- main store
- make a long story short
- makes long story short
- making a long story short
- mill store
- mind the store
- Mom and Pop store
- mom-and-pop store
- narrative history
- natural historian
- natural history
- nestor
- news stories
- news story
- old stories
- old story
- oral history
- outlet store
- package store
- paleohistory
- pastor
- pastoral
- pastoral care
- pastoralist
- pastoralists
- pastorals
- pastorate
- performance history
- personal history
- prehistoric
- prehistory
- protohistory
- put in storage
- putting storage
- quaestor
- rainstorm
- re store
- re stored
- re storer
- re stores
- re storing
- restora-tive
- restorable
- restoration
- restorative
- restore
- restored
- restorer
- retail food store
- seconds store
- set store by
- shaggy-dog story
- short story
- storage
- store
- store up
- stored
- storehouse
- storeroom
- stores
- storied
- storify
- storing
- storm
- storm center
- storm out
- storm petrel
- storm troops
- storm warning
- storm watch
- stormily
- storming
- stormless
- story
- storyteller
- storytelling
- take by storm
- takes by storm
- taking by storm
- tall story
- telephone message storage
- tell a story
- tell story
- telling a story
- telling story
- tells a story
- tells story
- ten-cent store
- ten cent store
- tencent store
- the whole story
- transistor
- transistor hearing aid
- transistors
- tropical storm
- undistorted
- unhistoric
- unhistorical
- variety store
- visit from stork
- visit from the stork
- warehouse store
- watch the store
- western story
- whole story
- windstorm
- wine store
- work history
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