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Synonyms for gelling

Grammar : Verb
Spell : jel
Phonetic Transcription : dʒɛl

Top 10 synonyms for gelling Other synonyms for the word gelling

Définition of gelling

Origin :
  • 1899, as a chemical term, short for gelatin and perhaps influenced by jell. The invention of this word is credited to Scottish chemist Thomas Graham (1805-1869). Hair-styling sense is from 1958. The verb meaning "to become a gel" is attested by 1902; figurative sense is from 1958. Related: Gelled; gelling.
  • As in jell : verb coagulate
  • As in set : verb harden
  • As in stiffen : verb make or become harder
  • As in thicken : verb set; make more dense
  • As in befall : verb happen to; take place
  • As in transpire : verb occur, happen
  • As in gelatinize : verb coagulate
  • As in inspissate : verb thicken
  • As in clot : verb coagulate
  • As in coagulate : verb clot
  • As in congeal : verb coagulate

Antonyms for gelling

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019