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Synonyms for form into ringlets
Sorry, there is no synonym available for form-into-ringlets.
However, these words or phrases may match your search:
- Academy Award performance
- academy award performances
- acculturing
- aciniform
- acknowledge information
- acquiring
- acquirings
- adhering
- adhering rules
- adhering to rules
- administering
- administerings
- admiring
- admiringly
- adoring
- adoringly
- adventuring
- aeriform
- airing
- airing out
- airings
- alluring
- alluringly
- angering
- answering
- answering to
- appearing
- argue into
- aspiring
- assuring
- astringence
- astringent
- auctioneering
- averring
- awe inspiring
- awe-inspiring
- aweinspiring
- backwatering
- bad form
- bad information
- badgering
- badgerings
- bang into
- bangs into
- bantering
- barbering
- barge in/barge into
- barge into
- barged into
- barges into
- barging into
- baring
- barings
- barring
- barring no one
- barrings
- barterings
- battering
- be gathering
- be informed
- be into
- be into for
- be into one for
- be laboring
- be leaguering
- be overbearing
- be reformed
- be slavering
- be smearing
- be sparing
- be sparing with
- be stirring
- bearing
- bettering
- bewildering
- bickering
- blabbering
- blaring
- blathering
- blithering
- blubbering
- blundering
- blurring
- blustering
- bordering on
- boring
- boringness
- bring
- bring about
- bring back
- bring charges
- bring down
- bring forward
- bring home
- bring home the bacon
- bring home the groceries
- bring home to
- bring in
- bring near
- bring off
- bring on
- bring one down
- bring out
- bring to an end
- bring to bear
- bring to fruition
- bring to light
- bring to mind
- bring to reason
- bring to screeching halt
- bring to senses
- bring to the fore
- bring together
- bring under control
- bring up
- bring up the rear
- bringing forth
- bringing in
- bringing together
- bringing up the rear
- bump into
- buttering up
- buying into
- buys into
- call into action
- call into play
- call into question
- called into question
- calls into play
- calls into question
- cambering
- came into
- came into being
- came into existence
- came into possession
- came into view
- capilliform
- capturing
- capturing film
- capturing on film
- capturings
- caricaturing
- caring
- caring for
- caring to
- carings
- catering
- catering to
- caterings
- cave into
- caved into
- caves into
- caving into
- centering
- centering on
- centering upon
- centerings
- chairing
- chambering
- charity performance
- chattering
- cheering
- childbearing
- chloroform
- clearing
- clustering
- coloring
- comformable
- comparing
- concurring
- conferring
- conform
- conformability
- conformable
- conformably
- conformation
- conforming
- conforming to accepted standards
- conformist
- conformity
- conjecturing
- conjuring
- considering
- conspiring
- conventional formality
- covering
- covering up
- cowering
- cringe
- cringed
- cringing
- cuneiform
- cut into
- cutting into
- daring
- daring action
- daringly
- daringness
- de barring
- de-barring
- de ciphering
- de-flowering
- de flowering
- de form
- de-form
- de-formed
- de formed
- de-forming
- de forming
- de forms
- de-forms
- de-livering
- de livering
- de-siring
- de siring
- dead-ringer
- dead ringer
- dearing
- debarrings
- deciphering
- deferring
- deferrings
- deform
- deformation
- deformations
- deformed
- deformity
- degringolade
- delivering
- delivering a speech
- delivering goods
- delivering the goods
- deliverings
- delve into
- delving into
- demurring
- derring-do
- desiring
- despairing
- differing
- dig into
- dig into the past
- dip into
- disappearing
- discovering
- disinform
- dithering
- dive into
- doddering
- driving while intoxicated
- drum into
- during
- during day
- during pregnancy
- during the day
- during the interval
- during the time
- during the time that
- during time
- earring
- earrings
- ears into
- earses into
- earth-shattering
- earthshattering
- eat into
- eat sparingly
- eating into
- eats into
- electioneering
- electronic hearing aid
- embroiderings
- empowering
- empowerings
- encountering
- encumbering
- encumberings
- end-angering
- end angering
- end earing
- end-earing
- endangering
- endearing
- endearingly
- endeavoring
- enduring
- enduringly
- endurings
- engendering
- engenderings
- engineering
- enquiring
- enquiring about
- enring
- ensnarings
- enter into
- enter into consideration
- entering
- entering in
- entering into
- enterings
- entiring
- environmental monitoring
- erring
- erringly
- errings
- factoring
- fair hiring
- fair hiring practices
- fairing
- fairy ring
- faithful rendering
- fall into
- fall into place
- falling into
- falls into
- false swearing
- falteringly
- farewell performance
- faring
- faring well
- favoring
- favorite gathering place
- fearing
- feathering
- feathering in
- featuring
- feedback system engineering
- fell into
- female offspring
- festering
- figuring
- figuring it be
- figuring on
- figuring out
- filibustering
- filtering
- filterings
- final appearance or performance
- fingering
- fingering in pie
- fingering pie
- fingering the pie
- firing
- firing line
- firing squad
- firing table
- firing up
- firings
- first-string
- flattering
- flexible fringe benefit options
- flickering
- floor covering
- flooring
- floundering
- fluttering
- forbearing
- form
- form judgment
- form mental picture of
- formal
- formal logic
- formalist
- formalistic
- formalities
- formalize
- formalness
- format
- formation
- formative
- formed
- former
- former student
- formerly
- formidable
- formless
- forms
- formula
- Formula 1 car racing
- formulaic
- formularized
- formulate
- formulation
- forswearing
- fringe
- fringe benefit
- fringed
- futuring
- g string
- G-string
- g-strings
- g strings
- gala performance
- gandering
- garnering
- gat bearings
- gat into
- gat into act
- gat into head
- gat into mischief
- gat into the act
- gat one bearings
- gat one's bearings
- gat ones bearings
- gathering
- gathering intelligence
- gathering place
- gathering point
- gathering together
- gatheringed
- gatheringing
- gave into
- gave ring
- gearing
- gearing up
- genetic engineering
- genetic-engineering
- gerrymandering
- gesturing
- get bearings
- get hooks into
- get into
- get into a dither
- get into a tizzy
- get into act
- get into head
- get into mischief
- get into one head
- get into one's head
- get into shape
- get into the act
- get one bearings
- get one's bearings
- get ones bearings
- get oneself into
- gets bearings
- gets into
- gets into act
- gets into mischief
- gets into one head
- gets into shape
- gets into the act
- gets one bearings
- gets one's bearings
- gets ones bearings
- getting bearings
- getting into
- getting into act
- getting into head
- getting into mischief
- getting into ones head
- getting into the act
- getting one bearings
- getting one's bearings
- getting ones bearings
- getting oneself into
- gibbering
- give a ring
- give form to
- glad-handering
- glaring
- glaringly
- glittering
- go into
- go into a huddle
- go into hiding
- go into orbit
- go into reverse
- God-fearing
- good form
- gushing outpouring
- guttering
- had bearing on
- haddest a bearing on
- hadst information
- half formed
- half-formed
- halfformed
- hammer away/hammer into
- hammer into
- hammered into
- hammering in to
- hammering into
- hammerings
- hammers into
- hampering
- hamperings
- hamstring
- hankering
- hankering after
- hankering for
- harbingering
- harboring
- harboring a grudge
- hard hearing
- hard of hearing
- hard-of-hearing aid
- hard-wearing
- has a bearing on
- hat in the ring
- have a bearing on
- have information
- having spring fever
- hearing
- hearing aid
- hearing distance
- high performance
- hindering
- hiring
- honoring
- hovering
- ignoring
- ignoring it
- ignorings
- ill-formed
- immurings
- imploring
- imploringly
- implorings
- impromptu gathering
- in a towering rage
- in curring
- in form
- in formal
- in formalities
- in formality
- in formant
- in formants
- in formation
- in formations
- in formative
- in formed
- in former
- in former times
- in formers
- in forming
- in forms
- in fringe
- in fringes
- in fringing
- in gathering
- in gatherings
- in hering
- in human form
- in quiring
- in spiring
- in suffering
- in top form
- inconformable
- inferring
- inform
- inform against
- inform on
- informal
- informality
- informally
- informant
- information
- information highway
- information media
- information processing
- information retrieval
- information server
- information space
- information superhighway
- information technology
- informational
- informed
- informer
- informing
- infringement
- inquire into
- inquiring
- inspiring
- into
- intolerable
- intolerance
- intolerant
- intonation
- intone
- intoner
- intorsion
- intoxicated
- intoxication
- jabbering
- jabberings
- jackhammering
- jarring
- jarring with
- jarrings
- jeering
- jeering at
- jeerings
- jiggering
- jittering
- jumped into
- jumping into
- jumps into
- knowledge engineering
- laboring
- laboring class
- lace into
- laces into
- lacquering
- lash into
- launch into
- launches into
- launching platform
- launderings
- lay into
- lead into
- leading into
- leads into
- leaf springs
- leap into the breach
- led into
- leering
- lettering
- letterings
- levering
- library and information services
- library and information studies
- light into
- lingering
- lingeringly
- liquiform
- loitering
- look into
- lowering
- lucked into
- lumbering
- lumbering pace
- lumberingly
- luring
- lustering
- Macintosh
- macintoshes
- mackintosh
- made bring returns
- made into law
- made uniform
- magic formula
- mainspring
- majoring in
- make a peace offering
- make bring returns
- make conform
- make into law
- make uniform
- makes into law
- making into law
- malconformation
- male reform
- malform
- malformation
- malformed
- malforming
- man's formal dress
- man's formal dresses
- maneuvering
- manicuring stick
- manufacturing
- manufacturing quarter
- marked transformation
- marring
- mastering
- maturing
- meandering
- measuring
- measuring stick
- ministering
- misinformation
- monitoring
- mooring
- mountaineering
- mouthwatering
- multiform
- murmuring
- muttering
- National Information Infrastructure
- national information infrastructures
- nattering
- nearing
- nearings
- neighboring
- nevering
- nickering
- no spring chicken
- no strings attached
- non-adhering
- non adhering
- non-conforming
- non conforming
- non-conformist
- non conformists
- non-conformists
- non conformities
- non-conformities
- non-conformity
- non conformity
- non formal
- non-formal
- non-performance
- non performance
- non-performances
- non-performer
- non performer
- non performers
- non-performers
- non uniform
- non-uniform
- non-uniformities
- non uniformities
- non-uniformity
- nonadhering
- noncomformity
- nonconformably
- nonconformism
- nonconformist
- nonconformity
- nonformal
- nonformal agreement
- nonperformance
- nonperformances
- nonperformer
- nonperformers
- nonuniform
- nonuniformities
- nonuniformity
- not conform
- not conforms
- not considering
- not informed
- not interfering
- not tampering
- numberings
- nurturing
- oaring
- obscuring
- obscurings
- occurring
- occurring again
- occurring to
- of a former period
- off-form
- offering
- offering services
- offerings
- official forms
- offscourings
- offscourings of society
- offspring
- omniform
- on a string
- one into
- one who brings home the bacon
- open into
- order form
- ordering
- ordering back
- ordering form
- orderings
- out into the open
- outpouring
- ovaliform
- overbearing
- overpowering
- oviform
- pairing
- pairing off
- pairing offs
- pairing up
- pairing with
- pairings
- palavering
- pamperings
- pandering
- paring
- paring down
- paring downs
- parings
- partnering
- pass into
- pass into enemy hands
- pasturing
- paupering
- peace-offering
- peace offering
- peak performance
- peal ringing
- peering
- peppering
- perduring
- perform
- perform CPR
- perform magic
- performable
- performance
- performance date
- performance history
- performances
- performed
- performed cpr
- performed magic
- performed poorly
- performer
- performers
- performing
- performing cpr
- performing magic
- performing poorly
- performings
- performs
- performs cpr
- performs magic
- performs poorly
- perjuring oneself
- persevering
- perseveringly
- perspiring
- pestering
- petering out
- petering outs
- philandering
- pilfering
- pinto
- pioneering
- pitch into
- platform
- platforms
- play into
- plug into
- plunge into
- posturing
- pottering
- pour into
- pour money into
- preparing
- procuring
- profiteering
- pry into
- pull strings
- put into a funk
- put into effect
- put into order
- put one's heart and soul into it
- put pep into
- put through the wringer
- pyriform
- quartering
- quavering
- queering
- quit chattering
- quits chattering
- quitted chattering
- quitting chattering
- quivering
- quiverings
- radio performer
- raring
- re appearing
- re-appearing
- re-assuring
- re assuring
- re-capturing
- re capturing
- re-considering
- re considering
- re-covering
- re covering
- re-coverings
- re coverings
- re curring
- re-curring
- re-discovering
- re discovering
- re entering
- re-entering
- re-form
- re form
- re formation
- re-formation
- re formations
- re-formations
- re-formative
- re formative
- re-formed
- re formed
- re-former
- re formers
- re-forming
- re forming
- re-forms
- re forms
- re-hiring
- re-occurring
- re occurring
- re ordering
- re-ordering
- re pairing
- re pairings
- re quiring
- re spiring
- re storing
- re tiring
- really into
- rearing
- reassuring
- recovering
- recurring
- red herring
- reform
- reformation
- reformatory
- reformed
- reformer
- remembering
- rendering
- rendering powerless
- retiring
- ring
- ring finger
- ring in
- ring-shaped
- ring up
- ring up the curtain
- ringer
- ringing
- ringingly
- ringleader
- ringmaster
- rip into
- rip-roaring
- roaring
- Roaring Twenties
- run into debt
- run into the ground
- run rings around
- run smack into
- sabering
- sacramental offering
- scandalmongering
- scattering
- scoring
- scouring pad
- seafaring
- searing
- second string
- second-string
- second stringer
- securing
- self-admiring
- shattering
- shimmering
- shivering
- shoestring
- shoestring operation
- sink into
- sink teeth into
- siring
- slumbering
- smash into
- smothering
- sneering
- snoring
- soaring
- sparing
- sparingly
- sponsoring
- spring
- spring back
- spring fever
- spring for
- springing
- springtide
- springy
- squandering
- staggering
- steering committee
- stelliform
- stick into
- stirring
- stirring up
- storing
- string
- string along
- stringency
- stringent
- stringently
- stringer
- strings
- suffering
- surrendering
- swaggering
- swearing
- sweltering
- swing into action
- tailoring
- tailorings
- take form
- take into account
- take into consideration
- take into custody
- take into one's arms
- take law into hands
- taken into custody
- takes form
- takes into consideration
- takes law into hands
- takes law into own hands
- taking form
- taking into account
- taking into consideration
- taking into custodies
- taking into one's arms
- taking law into hands
- taking law into own hands
- talebearing
- talk into
- talk into someone ear
- talk into someone's ear
- talk into someones ear
- talked into
- talked into someone ear
- talked into someone's ear
- talked into someones ear
- talked into something
- talking into
- talking into someone ear
- talking into someone's ear
- talking into someones ear
- talks into
- talks into someone's ear
- talks into someones ear
- tamperings
- tapering
- tapering off
- tapering point
- tarring
- tattering
- tax form
- tear into
- tearing
- tearing apart
- tearing asunder
- tearing in to
- tearing into
- tearing off
- tearing out
- tearing up
- tearings
- tears into
- teetering
- teething ring
- tele ordering
- teleordering
- teleorderings
- tempering
- temperings
- tendering
- tenderings
- the formula
- third-string
- thundering
- thunderingly
- tiring
- torturing
- tottering
- touring bicycle
- touring bike
- touring car
- touring cycle
- transform
- transformable
- transformations
- transformed
- transistor hearing aid
- turn informer
- ulcering
- umpiring
- unalluring
- uncaring
- unconformity
- uncovering
- undaring
- unerring
- unfaltering
- unflattering
- unforbearing
- unformed
- unhearing
- uniformity
- uniformly
- uniforms
- uninformative
- uninformed
- uninspiring
- unpersevering
- unsparing
- untiring
- untiringly
- unwavering
- unwaveringly
- upbringing
- upspring
- vacuum-tube hearing aid
- vaporing
- vaporings
- variform
- wade into
- wagerings
- wandering
- wandering star
- wanderings
- warm spring
- warmongering
- warring
- was informed
- was into
- was into for
- was into one for
- watering hole
- wavering
- wayfaring
- wearing
- wearing away
- wearing only a smile
- wearing out
- well-formed
- well-informed
- wellspring
- what one is into
- whimpering
- whispering
- whispering campaign
- window covering
- wiring
- withering
- work oneself into sweat
- wringer