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Synonyms for fond of

Grammar : Adj
Spell : fond
Phonetic Transcription : fɒnd

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Définition of fond of

Origin :
  • mid-14c., originally "foolish, silly," from past tense of fonnen "to fool, be foolish," perhaps from Middle English fonne "fool" (early 14c.), of uncertain origin; or possibly related to fun.
  • Meaning evolved by 1590 via "foolishly tender" to "having strong affections for." Another sense of fonne was "to lose savor," which may be the original meaning of the word (e.g. Wyclif: "Gif þe salt be fonnyd it is not worþi," c.1380). Related: Fonder; fondest.
  • As in keen : adj enthusiastic
  • As in fascinated : adj captivated, spellbound

Antonyms for fond of

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