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Synonyms for filled out
Grammar : Verb |
Spell : fil |
Phonetic Transcription : fɪl |
Top 10 synonyms for filled out Other synonyms for the word filled out
Définition of filled out
Origin :- "a full supply," mid-13c., fille, from Old English fylle, from Proto-Germanic *fullin- (cf. Old High German fulli, German Fülle, Old Norse fyllr), noun of state from *fullaz "full" (see full (adj.)). Meaning "extra material in music" is from 1934.
- verb enlarge
- verb insert
- His face had filled out; but it was his 105 eyes that fixed me.
- Extract from : « The Hound From The North » by Ridgwell Cullum
- Katharine filled out his card for him, allowing him three dances with herself.
- Extract from : « Stanford Stories » by Charles K. Field
- Whistling tunelessly, Hawkes filled out the rest of the form.
- Extract from : « Starman's Quest » by Robert Silverberg
- He filled out one of these tests and says he knows all the answers.
- Extract from : « Master of None » by Lloyd Neil Goble
- His hand was shaking as he filled out the check, using the saddle for a desk.
- Extract from : « The Dude Wrangler » by Caroline Lockhart
- His petition had been filled out for him by one of his neighbors: he had no counsel.
- Extract from : « By The Sea » by Heman White Chaplin
- Her form had filled out until it was admirably plump and well-rounded.
- Extract from : « Sister Carrie » by Theodore Dreiser
- She was very stout, and filled out with petticoats on either side.
- Extract from : « Marmaduke Merry » by William H. G. Kingston
- He filled out the order for the money, and it was delivered to him.
- Extract from : « Ben, the Luggage Boy; » by Horatio Alger
- Then, at her sister's bidding, she filled out the sherry into the glasses and passed them to us.
- Extract from : « Dubliners » by James Joyce
Words or expressions associated with your search
- back and fill
- back fill
- backed and fill
- backed fill
- backing and fill
- backs and fill
- backs fill
- fill
- fill a position
- fill 'er up
- fill for
- fill-in
- fill in
- fill in for
- fill one position
- fill one's pockets
- fill one's position
- fill ones position
- fill out
- fill pockets
- fill position
- fill someone in
- fill the bill
- fill the brim
- fill time
- fill to brim
- fill to overflowing
- fill to the brim
- fill up
- fill with loathing
- fill with wonder
- filled
- filled brim
- filled for
- filled in
- filled in for
- filled one pockets
- filled one position
- filled one's position
- filled ones position
- filled out
- filled overflowing
- filled position
- filled the brim
- filled to brim
- filled to the brim
- filled to the rafters
- filled up
- filled with loathing
- filled with wonder
- filledded
- filledding
- filleds
- filler
- fillers
- fillest
- fillet
- fillies
- fillin
- filling
- filling a position
- filling brim
- filling for
- filling in
- filling in for
- filling one position
- filling one's position
- filling ones position
- filling out
- filling overflowing
- filling position
- filling station
- filling the brim
- filling time
- filling to brim
- filling to the brim
- filling up
- filling with loathing
- filling with wonder
- fillings
- fillip
- fills brim
- fills 'er up
- fills for
- fills in
- fills in for
- fills one position
- fills one's position
- fills ones pockets
- fills ones position
- fills overflowing
- fills pockets
- fills position
- fills the brim
- fills time
- fills to brim
- fills to overflowing
- fills to the brim
- fills up
- fills with wonder
- filly
- fulfill
- fulfilled
- fulfillment
- landfill
- non-fulfillment
- non fulfillment
- non-fulfillments
- nonfulfillment
- overfill
- re-fill
- re fill
- re-filled
- re filled
- re-fillings
- re fillings
- re fills
- re-fills
- refill
- refilling
- unfulfilled
- unfulfillment
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