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Synonyms for fellow feeling
Grammar : Noun |
Top 10 synonyms for fellow feeling
Définition of fellow feeling
- noun sympathy
- I have such a fellow feeling for her, for I always detest grammar.
- Extract from : « Red Rose and Tiger Lily » by L. T. Meade
- "You ought to have a fellow feeling for her, Martha," said Mrs. Gilbert spitefully.
- Extract from : « The World Before Them » by Susanna Moodie
- With a fellow feeling for the dogs, he encouraged rather than drove them.
- Extract from : « South from Hudson Bay » by E. C. [Ethel Claire] Brill
- Maybe it is from having so often suffered, that I have a sort of fellow feeling.
- Extract from : « The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 4 » by Various
- I've a sort of fellow feeling for him, you see, for I am an ugly, old vagabond too.'
- Extract from : « Little Peter » by Lucas Malet
- He had a fellow feeling for a thief, knowing he was a thief himself.
- Extract from : « Captain Brassbound's Conversion » by George Bernard Shaw
- Of course he is careful not to exaggerate this show of fellow feeling.
- Extract from : « Certain Success » by Norval A. Hawkins
- And unite they will, for "a fellow feeling makes us wond'rous kind."
- Extract from : « Black and White » by Timothy Thomas Fortune
- I used to dable in literature to some little extent myself if that will lend a fellow feeling for a craftsman in distress.
- Extract from : « Mince PieAuthor: Christopher Darlington MorleyRelease Date: October 10, 2004 [eBook #13694] » by Christopher Darlington Morley
- "Then you ought to have a fellow feeling for me," said Olive.
- Extract from : « The Captain's Toll-Gate » by Frank R. Stockton
Words or expressions associated with your search
- bad feeling
- bad feelings
- be fell
- be felled
- befell
- capital fellow
- crafty fellow
- feel
- feel a dearth of
- feel a need
- feel a rapport
- feel around
- feel at home
- feel aversion toward
- feel bitter
- feel blindly
- feel bound
- feel certain
- feel concern
- feel confident
- feel deeply
- feel disposed
- feel disposed to
- feel for
- feel giddy
- feel happy
- feel heart go out to
- feel home
- feel hostility toward
- feel in bones
- feel in gut
- feel in one bones
- feel in one's bones
- feel in ones bones
- feel in return
- feel lightheaded
- feel like
- feel malice to
- feel necessity for
- feel one bones
- feel one out
- feel one's bones
- feel one's oats
- feel ones bones
- feel ones oats
- feel oneself again
- feel out
- feel remorse
- feel repugnance
- feel repugnance toward
- feel return
- feel sore
- feel sorry
- feel sorry for
- feel surprise
- feel the necessity for
- feel the pinch
- feel uneasy
- feel up
- feel with
- feel wretched
- feeler
- feelgood
- feeling
- feeling again
- feeling around
- feeling awful
- feeling bitter
- feeling blindly
- feeling bone
- feeling certain
- feeling concern
- feeling for
- feeling giddy
- feeling good
- feeling home
- feeling in bone
- feeling in one bone
- feeling in one's bone
- feeling in ones bone
- feeling in return
- feeling like
- feeling necessity for
- feeling need
- feeling no pain
- feeling one bone
- feeling one's bone
- feeling one's oats
- feeling ones bone
- feeling out
- feeling remorse
- feeling return
- feeling rotten
- feeling sore
- feeling sorry
- feeling terrible
- feeling uneasy
- feelingless
- feelingly
- feelings
- feels
- feels a need
- feels again
- feels at home
- feels blindly
- feels certain
- feels concern
- feels confident
- feels disposed
- feels giddy
- feels happy
- feels home
- feels in return
- feels like
- feels need
- feels one oats
- feels out
- feels remorse
- feels return
- feels sore
- feels sorry
- feels uneasy
- feels up
- fell
- fell apart
- fell asleep
- fell at feet
- fell away
- fell away from
- fell back
- fell between the cracks
- fell by
- fell down
- fell flat
- fell flat face
- fell flat on face
- fell from grace
- fell headlong
- fell ill
- fell in line
- fell in love with
- fell in to
- fell in with
- fell into
- fell knees
- fell line
- fell lot
- fell love with
- fell off
- fell on
- fell on knees
- fell on one knees
- fell on one's knees
- fell on ones knees
- fell one knees
- fell one's knees
- fell ones knees
- fell out
- fell over
- fell short
- fell short of
- fell stroke
- fell the lot
- fell through
- fell to
- fell to bits
- fell to lot
- fell up on
- fell upon
- fell with
- felled
- feller
- fellers
- fellest
- fellow
- fellow citizen
- fellow countryman
- fellow-countryman
- fellow countrymen
- fellow-countrymen
- fellow-countrywoman
- fellow feeling
- fellow gang member
- fellow-traveler
- fellow traveler
- fellow traveller
- fellow worker
- fellowcountryman
- fellowcountrywoman
- fellowcountrywomen
- fellows
- fellowship
- forefeel
- funny feeling
- give the feeling of
- good feeling
- gut feeling
- had a feeling
- had feeling
- had funny feeling
- haddest a feeling
- haddest feeling
- haddest funny feeling
- hadst a feeling
- hadst feeling
- hadst funny feeling
- hadst hard feelings
- hard feelings
- harsh feeling
- has a feeling
- has feeling
- has funny feeling
- has hard feelings
- hast a feeling
- hast feeling
- hast funny feeling
- hath a feeling
- have a feeling
- have a funny feeling
- have hard feelings
- ill feeling
- ill feelings
- keep feeling inside oneself
- keeping feeling inside oneself
- keeps feeling inside oneself
- kept feeling inside oneself
- made feel small
- made one feel small
- make feel small
- make one feel small
- makes feel small
- makes one feel small
- making feel small
- making one feel small
- not feel like
- not feeling well
- old fellow
- put out a feeler
- put out a feeler question
- repress feelings
- teaching fellowship
- tender feeling
- touchy feely
- touchy-feely
- unfeeling
- unfeeling person
- warm fellowship
Most wanted synonyms
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