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Synonyms for fastened
Grammar : Adj |
Spell : fas-uhn, fah-suhn |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈfæs ən, ˈfɑ sən |
Définition of fastened
Origin :- Old English fæstnian "make fast, firm," also "ratify, betroth," from Proto-Germanic *fastinojanan (cf. Old Frisian festnia "to make firm, bind fast," Old Saxon fastnon, Old High German fastnion, Old Norse fastna "to pledge, betroth"), from *fastuz (see fast (adj.)). Related: Fastened; fastener; fastening.
- adj locked
- They arrived at the gate without question or hindrance; but found it fastened.
- Extract from : « Philothea » by Lydia Maria Child
- He took a long string from his pouch and fastened one end to an arrow.
- Extract from : « The White Company » by Arthur Conan Doyle
- Cusi Coyllur is discovered, fastened to a wall, and in a dying state.
- Extract from : « Apu Ollantay » by Anonymous
- My carefully packed bags were carried out and fastened to the saddle.
- Extract from : « In the Valley » by Harold Frederic
- He rapidly reloaded his rifle, and fastened the pistols at his belt.
- Extract from : « The Rock of Chickamauga » by Joseph A. Altsheler
- He tried to shake it, but little came of that, for the gate was fastened firmly.
- Extract from : « The Channings » by Mrs. Henry Wood
- He had fastened it down, when a loud noise and commotion was heard in the street.
- Extract from : « The Channings » by Mrs. Henry Wood
- There was also a portrait of the Emperor William, mounted and fastened up with four pins.
- Extract from : « My Double Life » by Sarah Bernhardt
- I had not my veil on, nor my rings, and my cameo belt was not fastened.
- Extract from : « My Double Life » by Sarah Bernhardt
- Why, he fastened on me to-night; here, upon my coat; like a savage dog.
- Extract from : « Life And Adventures Of Martin Chuzzlewit » by Charles Dickens
Words or expressions associated with your search
- be fastened
- be steadfast
- bed-and-breakfast
- bed and breakfast
- bedfast
- breakfast
- breakfast food
- breakfast time
- continental breakfast
- dangerously fast
- English breakfast
- fast
- fast and loose
- fast-and-loose
- fast-approaching
- fast breeder reactor
- fast day
- fast food
- fast-food outlet
- fast-food place
- fast-food restaurant
- fast forward
- fast-forward
- fast friend
- fast living
- fast loose
- fast on the draw
- fast one
- fast pace
- fast paces
- fast shuffle
- fast talked
- fast talker
- fast talking
- fast-talking
- fast talks
- fast track
- fast tracked
- fast tracking
- fastball
- fasten
- fasten on
- fastened
- fastened to
- fastener
- fastening
- fastens
- faster
- fastest
- fasthold
- fastidious
- fastidiously
- fastidiousness
- fastigium
- fasting
- fastinged
- fastinging
- fastings
- fastness
- get no place fast
- hard and fast
- hard-and-fast
- hard fast
- hold fast
- in the fast lane
- keeping fast
- keeping fasts
- Lenten fast
- lenten fasts
- life in fast lane
- made fast
- made fast buck
- make fast
- make fast buck
- pancake breakfast
- paper fastener
- pull a fast one on
- steadfast
- steadfastly
- strict fast
- thick and fast
- unfasten
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