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Synonyms for equidistant
Grammar : Adj |
Spell : ee-kwi-dis-tuh nt, ek-wi- |
Phonetic Transcription : ˌi kwɪˈdɪs tənt, ˌɛk wɪ- |
Définition of equidistant
Origin :- 1560s, from French équidistant (14c.), from Late Latin aequidistantem (nominative aequidistans), from aequi- (see equal) + distantem (see distant). In reference to a type of map projection, from 1866.
- adj equally distant
- But, again, the middle will be equidistant from the extremes; or it would not be in the middle?
- Extract from : « Parmenides » by Plato
- Why, because the round is that of which all the extreme points are equidistant from the centre?
- Extract from : « Parmenides » by Plato
- The end of the world is not near and the dream of a millennium is equidistant.
- Extract from : « The Journal of Negro History, Volume 2, 1917 » by Various
- In the first word the letters were equidistant and beautifully uniform.
- Extract from : « Notes and Queries, Number 77, April 19, 1851 » by Various
- Pallets may be divided into two kinds, namely: equidistant and circular.
- Extract from : « An Analysis of the Lever Escapement » by H. R. Playtner
- We think a ratchet wheel should not be employed with equidistant pallets.
- Extract from : « An Analysis of the Lever Escapement » by H. R. Playtner
- He perceived that the holes were not in a straight line, nor were they equidistant from each other.
- Extract from : « Stuyvesant » by Jacob Abbott
- In the same direction and equidistant was the Khalifa's house.
- Extract from : « Khartoum Campaign, 1898 » by Bennet Burleigh
- Both slits are to be equidistant, and both inclined in the same direction.
- Extract from : « How to Make Electrical Machines » by R. A. R. Bennett
- The lower or proximal apophyses are thick, simple, all slightly curved; they are equidistant from the former and from the centre.
- Extract from : « Report on the Radiolaria Collected by H.M.S. Challenger During the Years 1873-1876, First Part: Porulosa (Spumellaria and Acantharia) » by Ernst Haeckel
Words or expressions associated with your search
- autumnal equinox
- be equipped for
- be equivalent
- be equivalent to
- be obsequious
- be required
- be requisite
- equiareal projection
- equidistance
- equidistants
- equilateral
- equilibrium
- equine
- equinoctial
- equinoctial circle
- equipage
- equipment
- equipoise
- equipoised
- equipoising
- equipollent
- equiponderate
- equipotential
- equipped
- equipping
- equippings
- equitable
- equitable interest
- equitableness
- equitably
- equitation
- equity
- equity capital
- equivalence
- equivalency
- equivalent
- equivalent projection
- equivalently
- equivocacy
- equivocal
- equivocal saying
- equivocality
- equivocalness
- equivocate
- equivocatings
- equivocation
- equivocator
- equivoque
- exequies
- harlequin
- harlequin glasses
- ill-equipped
- in equitable
- in equities
- in equity
- inequitable
- junior equity
- non sequitur
- not required
- obsequies
- obsequious
- obsequiously
- prerequisite
- principle of equivalence
- punctuated equilibrium
- re-equipped
- reequip
- requiem
- requiescence
- require
- required
- requirement
- requisite
- requisition
- requital
- requite
- unequivocable
- unequivocal
- unequivocally
- unrequired
- was equivalent to
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