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Synonyms for engirdle
Grammar : Verb |
Spell : en-gur-dl |
Phonetic Transcription : ɛnˈgɜr dl |
Top 10 synonyms for engirdle Other synonyms for the word engirdle
Définition of engirdle
- verb encircle
- Then I beheld, spread out before me, the greater part of Greece, together with the countless islands that engirdle it.
- Extract from : « Up the Orinoco and down the Magdalena » by H. J. Mozans
- If you choose, plant the foot of the ladder in a fiery test and engirdle each round with a forest of thorns.
- Extract from : « The Hindered Hand » by Sutton E. Griggs
- Why engirdle its waist in warmth and cordage, and expose its feet to every storm and frost, to mud and snow?
- Extract from : « Aims and Aids for Girls and Young Women » by George Sumner Weaver
- If it is left till then, one can only engirdle the whole thing with a soft tarred rope and sling it up somehow or anyhow.
- Extract from : « Wood and Garden » by Gertrude Jekyll
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