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Synonyms for doubting
Grammar : Adj |
Spell : dout |
Phonetic Transcription : daʊt |
Définition of doubting
Origin :- early 13c., "to dread, fear," from Old French doter "doubt, be doubtful; be afraid," from Latin dubitare "to doubt, question, hesitate, waver in opinion" (related to dubius "uncertain;" see dubious), originally "to have to choose between two things."
- The sense of "fear" developed in Old French and was passed on to English. Meaning "to be uncertain" is attested in English from c.1300. The -b- was restored 14c. by scribes in imitation of Latin. Replaced Old English tweogan (noun twynung), from tweon "two," on notion of "of two minds" or the choice of two implied in Latin dubitare (cf. German Zweifel "doubt," from zwei "two").
- adj questioning
- Her father had concluded every thing with Mr. Solmes, not doubting her compliance.
- Extract from : « Clarissa, Volume 1 (of 9) » by Samuel Richardson
- Alice wondered, not doubting that the question was original and all her own.
- Extract from : « Alice Adams » by Booth Tarkington
- Quickening the dead among them, reviving the cold and the doubting.
- Extract from : « Poems » by William D. Howells
- If you have the least doubt about it––but Khalid is incapable now of doubting anything.
- Extract from : « The Book of Khalid » by Ameen Rihani
- There is no reason for doubting the accuracy of this identification.
- Extract from : « Byzantine Churches in Constantinople » by Alexander Van Millingen
- Whether that was your purpose I do not know; but, for doubting you, you can scarcely blame me.
- Extract from : « Murder Point » by Coningsby Dawson
- Israel had begun to listen to Naomi's fancies with a doubting heart.
- Extract from : « The Scapegoat » by Hall Caine
- It is better that I should err in trusting her than to be unjust in doubting her.
- Extract from : « A Forest Hearth: A Romance of Indiana in the Thirties » by Charles Major
- He clutched his hair, and gazed at Peer as if doubting whether he was quite sober.
- Extract from : « The Great Hunger » by Johan Bojer
- But there was no doubting his own presence here in this strange place.
- Extract from : « The Finding of Haldgren » by Charles Willard Diffin
Words or expressions associated with your search
- beyond any doubt
- beyond doubt
- cast doubt on
- cast doubt upon
- casting doubt up on
- dispel doubt
- double
- double back
- double boiler
- double-check
- double cross
- double-cross
- double-crosser
- double-dealer
- double-dealing
- double Dutch
- double entendre
- double-entendre
- double-gaited
- double life
- double meaning
- double take
- double talk
- double-talk
- double time
- double-time
- double trouble
- double whammy
- doubleback
- doublespeak
- doubloon
- doubt
- doubtable
- doubter
- doubtful
- doubtfully
- doubtfulness
- doubting
- doubting Thomas
- doubtingly
- doubtless
- doubtlessness
- doubts
- haddest no doubt
- hadst doubts
- has no doubt
- have doubt
- have doubts
- have no doubt
- in double time
- misdoubt
- no doubt
- on double
- on the double
- open to doubt
- re double
- re-double
- re doubled
- re-doubled
- re-doubles
- re doubling
- re-doubling
- re-doubt
- re-doubtable
- redoubt
- redoubtable
- redoubted
- seeing double
- undoubted
- undoubtedly
- undoubtful
- undoubting
- without a doubt
- without doubt
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