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Synonyms for defecation
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : def-i-keyt |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈdɛf ɪˌkeɪt |
Définition of defecation
Origin :- 1620s, from Late Latin defecationem (nominative deficatio), from defecat-, past participle stem of Latin defecare (see defecate). An Old English word for "bowel movement" was arse-gang literally "arse-going."
- noun elimination
- Defecation by repose is always better than filtration, owing to the more or less viscidity of the suspended matter.
- Extract from : « Cooley's Cyclopdia of Practical Receipts and Collateral Information in the Arts, Manufactures, Professions, and Trades..., Sixth Edition, Volume I » by Arnold Cooley
- Skimmings comprise the matters separated from the cane juice during the processes of defecation and evaporation.
- Extract from : « A Practical Handbook on the Distillation of Alcohol from Farm Products » by F. B. Wright
- After defecation the patient should rest for a little while in the recumbent attitude.
- Extract from : « A System of Practical Medicine By American Authors, Vol. II » by Various
- He should insist upon the importance of habits of regularity in defecation.
- Extract from : « A System of Practical Medicine By American Authors, Vol. II » by Various
- Vegetable infusions and decoctions may be cleared by defecation followed by filtration.
- Extract from : « Cooley's Cyclopdia of Practical Receipts and Collateral Information in the Arts, Manufactures, Professions, and Trades..., Sixth Edition, Volume I » by Arnold Cooley
- In summer I would go into the woods, undress myself in a secluded spot and indulge in the voluptuous pleasures of defecation.
- Extract from : « Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 5 (of 6) » by Havelock Ellis
- Hinc illæ lacrimæ; the excitement over my own defecation only took place faute de mieux.
- Extract from : « Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 5 (of 6) » by Havelock Ellis
- Moll's case was one of symbolism of act, the excreta offering no attraction apart from the process of defecation.
- Extract from : « Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 5 (of 6) » by Havelock Ellis
- When the desire for defecation comes, we are too busy and postpone it until some more convenient time, which time may be too late.
- Extract from : « Herself » by E. B. Lowry
Words or expressions associated with your search
- admit defeat
- be defeated
- be defective
- come to defense of
- defeasance
- defeasible
- defeat
- defeated
- defeated player
- defeater
- defeating
- defeatings
- defeatism
- defeatist
- defeatists
- defeats
- defecate
- defecation
- defect
- defected
- defectings
- defection
- defective
- defective year
- defectively
- defectiveness
- defectless
- defector
- defects
- defend
- defend against
- defendability
- defendable
- defendant
- defended
- defender
- defending
- defendings
- defense
- defense-attorney
- defense attorney
- defense counsel
- defense cuts
- defense lawyer
- defense mechanism
- defense reaction
- defenseless
- defenselessly
- defenselessness
- defensible
- defensive
- defensive lineman
- defensive missile
- defensively
- defer
- defer to
- deference
- deferential
- deferment
- deferment/deferral
- deferments
- deferral
- deferrals
- deferred
- deferring
- deferrings
- ego defenses
- end in defeat
- ending defeat
- in defensible
- in self-defense
- indefectible
- leave defenseless
- on the defensive
- say in defense
- suffer defeat
- temporarily deferred
- undefeated
- was defeated
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