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Synonyms for de-termination
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : dih-tur-muh-ney-shuh n |
Phonetic Transcription : dɪˌtɜr məˈneɪ ʃən |
Top 10 synonyms for de-termination Other synonyms for the word de-termination
- abidingness
- ability
- abstemiousness
- accommodation
- accomplishment
- accord
- achievement
- action
- adherence
- adjournment
- adjudicature
- adjustment
- adventuresomeness
- adventurousness
- aftereffect
- aftermath
- agreement
- aim
- alacrity
- allegiance
- allotment
- altitude
- amplitude
- analogue
- angle
- animus
- annotation
- aplomb
- appetite
- application
- appointing
- apportionment
- appraisal
- appreciation
- appropriation
- arbitrament
- arbitration
- ardor
- area
- arrangement
- array
- ascendancy
- ascertainment
- asceticism
- ascription
- aspiration
- assaying
- assent
- assertion
- assertiveness
- assessment
- assiduity
- assignation
- assignment
- assortment
- assumption
- assurance
- attachment
- attainment
- attention
- attitude
- attribution
- audacity
- authentication
- authority
- authorization
- award
- backbone
- backwash
- balance
- ballot
- balloting
- basis
- belief
- bent
- bequest
- bestowal
- big idea
- bite
- boldness
- book
- bottom line
- bourn
- brashness
- brass
- braveness
- bravery
- bravura
- brazenness
- breakdown
- bridle
- bullheadedness
- bustle
- by-product
- calculation
- calibration
- call
- capability
- capacity
- care
- carriage
- cease
- censure
- certainty
- certification
- certitude
- cessation
- character
- characterization
- charge
- chasteness
- chastity
- check
- cheek
- chivalry
- choice
- choosing
- chutzpah
- clarification
- clearance
- clock
- close
- close study
- closing
- closure
- clout
- clue
- coercion
- cogency
- cohesion
- comment
- commentary
- compact
- compensation
- competence
- completion
- compromise
- computation
- conation
- conclusion
- conclusiveness
- condemnation
- confidence
- confirmation
- consent
- consequence
- considered opinion
- consignment
- constancy
- consummation
- containment
- contemplation
- continence
- continuance
- contract
- control
- conveyance
- conviction
- cool
- coolness
- core
- corollary
- courage
- courageousness
- covenant
- craving
- creature
- crop
- crust
- crux
- cue
- cull
- culling
- culmination
- cup of tea
- curb
- curtain
- daring
- dash
- dauntlessness
- deal
- decidedness
- decision
- decisiveness
- declaration
- decree
- dedication
- deduction
- defiance
- defrayal
- degree
- delegation
- delimitation
- delineation
- demarcation
- denominating
- denomination
- denotation
- denouement
- density
- dependability
- depth
- derring-do
- design
- designation
- desire
- desistance
- destination
- desuetude
- detection
- determination
- determining
- development
- devotedness
- devotion
- diagnosis
- dictum
- diligence
- dimension
- direction
- discernment
- discharge
- discipline
- disclosure
- discontinuance
- discretion
- discrimination
- dispatch
- dispensation
- disposition
- dissection
- distance
- distinction
- distinguishing
- distribution
- division
- doggedness
- dogmatism
- dominance
- domination
- dominion
- doom
- doughtiness
- dream
- drift
- drive
- driver's seat
- druthers
- durability
- duress
- dynamism
- eagerness
- earnestness
- economy
- edict
- effect
- effectiveness
- effectuation
- efficacy
- effort
- effrontery
- élan
- electing
- election
- elucidation
- emanation
- emphasis
- emphaticalness
- empiricism
- encounter
- end
- end of the line
- ending
- endurance
- energy
- ensual
- enterprise
- espial
- essence
- establishment
- estimate
- estimation
- evaluation
- event
- eventuality
- examination
- execution
- exemplification
- expectation
- experimentation
- expiration
- expiry
- explanation
- explication
- exploration
- exposition
- exposure
- expounding
- extent
- extract
- eye
- face
- faith
- faith in oneself
- fall
- fanaticism
- fancy
- fastness
- favorite
- fealty
- fearlessness
- feeling
- fervor
- fiber
- fidelity
- fierceness
- fight
- final decision
- finale
- find
- finding
- finis
- finish
- fire
- firm-ness
- firmness
- fixedness
- fixing
- fixity
- force
- forcefulness
- formalization
- fortitude
- franchise
- free choice
- free decision
- free will
- freedom
- frequency
- fruit
- fruition
- fulfillment
- function
- fundamentals
- gall
- gallantry
- gameness
- getup
- gift
- giving
- gloss
- goal
- government
- grant
- grit
- grouping
- guidance
- gumption
- gusto
- guts
- gutsiness
- guttiness
- hankering
- happy medium
- har
- hardheadedness
- hardihood
- hardiness
- hardness
- harvest
- hearing
- heart
- heart's desire
- height
- heroism
- hitch
- honesty
- honor
- hope
- humor
- hustle
- idea
- identification
- illation
- immobility
- immovability
- impertinence
- impressiveness
- impudence
- impulse
- inclination
- income
- indefatigability
- independence
- indicating
- individuation
- indomitability
- indomitableness
- inference
- inflexibility
- influence
- initiative
- inquest
- inquiry
- inquisition
- inside track
- insolence
- inspection
- integrity
- intendment
- intensity
- intent
- intention
- intentness
- interpretation
- intestinal fortitude
- intransigence
- intrepidity
- intrepidness
- introduction
- invention
- inventiveness
- invincibility
- iron will
- isolating
- isolation
- issue
- jolt
- judgment
- juice
- jurisdiction
- keenness
- key
- key point
- knock
- labor
- last word
- leaning
- learning
- length
- liking
- limitation
- lion-heartedness
- liquidation
- locating
- location
- longing
- loss
- love
- loyalty
- machismo
- magnitude
- main idea
- main point
- main thing
- management
- manfulness
- mania
- manipulation
- manliness
- masculinity
- mass
- maturity
- measure
- measurement
- meat and potatoes
- mecca
- mediation
- mensuration
- metage
- mettle
- might
- mind
- mission
- mood
- moral fiber
- morale
- motion
- moxie
- mulishness
- name of the game
- nerve
- net
- nitty-gritty
- nobility
- nod
- nomination
- notion
- nuts and bolts
- obduracy
- object
- objective
- obligation
- observation
- obstinacy
- obstinance
- obstinateness
- offshoot
- omega
- one's discretion
- one's own choice
- one's own will
- opinion
- opportunity
- option
- order
- ordering
- origination
- outcome
- outcropping
- outgrowth
- outlining
- outlook
- oversight
- own say so
- own sweet way
- pains
- passion
- patience
- pay
- pay dirt
- payment
- payoff
- penalty
- perception
- perfection
- period
- permanence
- perseverance
- persistence
- person's full intent and purpose
- persuasion
- persuasiveness
- pertinaciousness
- pertinacity
- perverseness
- perversity
- pick
- picking
- pigheadedness
- pining
- pitch
- pith
- placing
- plan
- pleasure
- pluck
- pluckiness
- point
- point of view
- poise
- poll
- polls
- pose
- position
- potency
- power
- prearrangement
- predomination
- preference
- premeditation
- prerogative
- presentation
- pressure
- presumption
- primary
- principle
- probing
- proceeds
- product
- production
- profit
- project
- prolonging
- pronouncement
- proposal
- proposition
- prospect
- provision
- prowess
- prudence
- pugnacity
- puissance
- punch
- punishment
- puritanism
- purpose
- purposefulness
- purposiveness
- pursuance
- pursuit
- push
- qualification
- quantification
- quantity
- quest
- quick fix
- quietus
- range
- rap
- rashness
- rating
- ratiocination
- rationale
- reach
- reaction
- readiness
- reality
- realization
- reason
- recitation
- recklessness
- reckoning
- recommendation
- reconciliation
- reconnaissance
- referendum
- regard
- regimentation
- regularity
- regulation
- reimbursement
- reliance
- reluctance
- remuneration
- rendering
- rendition
- repercussion
- report
- representation
- requirement
- research
- resoluteness
- resolution
- resolve
- restraint
- restriction
- result
- retirement
- returns
- revelation
- review
- ropes
- rule
- ruling
- sand
- sapience
- satisfaction
- sauce
- say
- say so
- scheme
- scope
- scrutiny
- search
- security
- sedulity
- selection
- self-confidence
- self-control
- self-denial
- self-discipline
- self-possession
- self-reliance
- self-restraint
- sending up the river
- sensing
- sentence
- sentiment
- separating
- separation
- sequel
- sequence
- sequitur
- seriousness
- settlement
- settling
- showdown
- sifting
- sighting
- sign-off
- signification
- sincerity
- single-mindedness
- size
- slant
- sleep
- sobriety
- solidity
- solidness
- solution
- solving
- sorting out
- sound
- soundness
- specification
- spine
- spirit
- spunk
- stability
- stableness
- stamina
- stance
- standpoint
- starch
- statement of meaning
- staunchness
- staying power
- steadfastness
- steadiness
- stick-to-itiveness
- stiff upper lip
- stipulation
- stoicism
- stomach
- stop
- stopping point
- stoutheartedness
- strain
- strength
- strength of purpose
- stress
- stretch
- strictness
- strike
- strings
- stubbornness
- sturdiness
- subjection
- subordination
- substantiality
- substitute
- sum and substance
- summary
- superintendence
- supervision
- support
- supremacy
- sureness
- surety
- survey
- sway
- target
- temerity
- temper
- temperament
- temperance
- tenaciousness
- tenacity
- term
- termination
- terminology
- terminus
- the call
- the nod
- thickness
- thoughts
- ticket
- time
- tirelessness
- toil
- tone
- toughness
- trade-off
- transfer
- translation
- trick
- true grit
- trustiness
- trustworthiness
- truthfulness
- twist
- two cents' worth
- ulterior motive
- unchangeableness
- uncovering
- undauntedness
- understanding
- unearthing
- unfailingness
- uniformity
- unravelling
- upper hand
- upshot
- urge
- urgency
- vacation
- valiance
- valiancy
- valiantness
- validity
- validness
- valor
- valorousness
- valuation
- value judgment
- variety
- vehemence
- vein
- velleity
- venturesomeness
- verdict
- verification
- verve
- view
- vigor
- virility
- visualization
- volition
- volume
- voluntary decision
- vote
- vote-casting
- warmth
- way of thinking
- weakness
- weigh-in
- weight
- what it takes
- what it's all about
- what-it-takes
- whatfor
- where one's headed
- whole idea
- whole story
- why and wherefore
- whyfor
- width
- will
- will power
- willfulness
- willingness
- willpower
- wind-up
- winding up
- windup
- wire pulling
- wish
- wishes
- working out
- wrap-up
- yearning
- yen
- zeal
- zest
Définition of de-termination
Origin :- mid-14c., "decision, sentence," from Old French déterminacion (14c.) "determination, settlement, definition," from Latin determinationem (nominative determinatio) "conclusion, boundary," noun of action from past participle stem of determinare (see determine).
- As "a bringing to an end" (especilly of a suit at law), late 15c. As "fixed direction toward a goal," from 1650s, originally in physics or anatomy; metaphoric sense "fixation of will" is from 1680s; that of "quality of being resolute" is from 1822.
- As in industry : noun hard work
- As in arbitration : noun settlement of dispute
- As in judgment : noun decision about blame
- As in measurement : noun calculation
- As in mind : noun inclination, tendency; belief
- As in moxie : noun courage
- As in assessment : noun evaluation
- As in assignment : noun selecting or setting apart
- As in nerve : noun daring, boldness
- As in perseverance : noun diligence, hard work
- As in austerity : noun refraining; abstinence
- As in pluck : noun person's resolution, courage
- As in purpose : noun intention, meaning, aim
- As in purpose : noun persistence, resolve
- As in backbone : noun strength of character
- As in resolution : noun answer, judgment
- As in result : noun effect brought about by something
- As in sentence : noun punishing decree
- As in settlement : noun decision, conclusion
- As in spunk : noun courage, nerve
- As in stability : noun resistance of some degree
- As in stand : noun position, opinion
- As in tenacity : noun diligence, stubbornness
- As in valor : noun bravery
- As in verdict : noun law judgment
- As in volition : noun free will
- As in will : noun personal choice
- As in zeal : noun enthusiasm
- As in boldness : noun audacity
- As in manhood : noun maturity
- As in bottom line : noun indispensable content
- As in obstinacy : noun stubbornness
- As in selecting : noun choosing
- As in ascertainment : noun discovery
- As in decidedness : noun decision
- As in decisiveness : noun decision
- As in choice : noun power to select; selection
- As in gameness : noun courage
- As in gutsiness : noun courage
- As in hardheadedness : noun obstinacy
- As in hardness : noun stability
- As in intrepidity : noun courage
- As in intrepidness : noun courage
- As in metrology : noun measurement
- As in mulishness : noun obstinacy
- As in obstinateness : noun obstinacy
- As in pertinaciousness : noun obstinacy
- As in pertinacity : noun obstinacy
- As in perverseness : noun obstinacy
- As in perversity : noun obstinacy
- As in pigheadedness : noun obstinacy
- As in pluckiness : noun courage
- As in purposefulness : noun decision
- As in resoluteness : noun decision
- As in spunkiness : noun courage
- As in stableness : noun stability
- As in steadiness : noun stability
- As in stopping point : noun end
- As in stoutheartedness : noun courage
- As in sturdiness : noun stability
- As in sureness : noun stability
- As in tenaciousness : noun obstinacy
- As in terminus : noun end
- As in undauntedness : noun courage
- As in valiance : noun courage
- As in valiantness : noun courage
- As in adjudication : noun judgment
- As in conclusion : noun judgment, decision
- As in confidence : noun belief in oneself
- As in constancy : noun fixedness
- As in control : noun command, mastery
- As in courage : noun boldness, braveness
- As in decision : noun conclusion; resolution reached
- As in decision : noun strength of mind or will
- As in definition : noun description
- As in determination : noun perseverance
- As in determination : noun conclusion
- As in discovery : noun finding, uncovering
- As in disposal : noun conclusion, settlement of situation
- As in election : noun choosing; voting
- As in end : noun completion, stop
- As in firmness : noun resolution, resolve
- As in force : noun mental power, energy
- As in fortitude : noun strength of mind; guts
- As in free will : noun free choice
Antonyms for de-termination
- accusation
- advantage
- ambiguity
- amnesia
- answer
- antagonism
- apathy
- apprehension
- aversion
- beginning
- birth
- blandness
- body
- calmness
- care
- carefulness
- cause
- caution
- change
- changeableness
- chaos
- charge
- commencement
- compliance
- concept
- condemnation
- confusion
- construction
- continuation
- coolness
- corporeality
- cowardice
- creation
- defeat
- deferment
- deferral
- delay
- denial
- diffidence
- disagreement
- disbelief
- discouragement
- disgrace
- dishonesty
- dishonor
- disinclination
- disinterest
- dislike
- disloyalty
- disorganization
- dispiritedness
- disregard
- dissension
- distaste
- distrust
- doubt
- dullness
- elaborateness
- encouragement
- enmity
- estimate
- extravagance
- failure
- faint-heartedness
- fear
- flexibility
- fluctuation
- forfeit
- foundation
- freedom
- frustration
- gentility
- guess
- hate
- hatred
- helplessness
- hesitation
- hold
- humility
- idleness
- ignorance
- imperfection
- impotence
- inability
- inactivity
- inadequacy
- inanity
- inception
- incompetence
- inconstancy
- indecision
- indefiniteness
- indetermination
- indifference
- indolence
- indulgence
- ineffectiveness
- ineptness
- infirmity
- initiation
- insecurity
- insincerity
- instability
- introduction
- invalidity
- irregularity
- irresolution
- keeping
- lawlessness
- laziness
- lethargy
- loss
- luxuriousness
- lying
- manners
- means
- meekness
- mildness
- misjudgment
- mismanagement
- miss
- misunderstanding
- modesty
- movability
- neglect
- negligence
- nonsense
- opening
- origin
- physicality
- politeness
- postponement
- powerlessness
- praise
- preface
- prelude
- problem
- procrastination
- question
- reality
- refusal
- rejection
- relinquishment
- renouncement
- responsibility
- retention
- reward
- sadness
- secret
- shyness
- slackness
- softness
- source
- spending
- spinelessness
- start
- stupidity
- theory
- thinness
- thoughtlessness
- timidity
- treachery
- trouble
- uncertainty
- unconfidence
- unemployment
- unenthusiasm
- unfulfillment
- unhappiness
- unimportance
- unsteadiness
- uselessness
- vacillation
- vagueness
- variability
- veto
- wavering
- weakness
- worthlessness
- yielding
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019