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Synonyms for crowning
Grammar : Adj |
Spell : krou-ning |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈkraʊ nɪŋ |
Définition of crowning
Origin :- early 12c., "royal crown," from Anglo-French coroune, Old French corone (13c., Modern French couronne), from Latin corona "crown," originally "wreath, garland," related to Greek korone "anything curved, kind of crown." Old English used corona, directly from Latin.
- Extended to coins bearing the imprint of a crown (early 15c.), especially the British silver 5-shilling piece. Also monetary units in Iceland, Sweden (krona), Norway, Denmark (krone), and formerly in German Empire and Austria-Hungary (krone). Meaning "top of the skull" is from c.1300. Crown-prince is 1791, a translation of German kronprinz.
- adj climactic
- The secret of this crowning charm was, perhaps, that she was a new sensation.
- Extract from : « Malbone » by Thomas Wentworth Higginson
- So this, then, was the crowning reward of all his sufferings and all his love!
- Extract from : « Night and Morning, Complete » by Edward Bulwer-Lytton
- What matter how or when the crowning moment of full surrender comes?
- Extract from : « Hetty's Strange History » by Anonymous
- And why not, since obedience is the crowning glory of the German mind?
- Extract from : « City of Endless Night » by Milo Hastings
- He paces up and down the hall, crowning his dream with wreaths of smoke.
- Extract from : « The Book of Khalid » by Ameen Rihani
- Crowning all is to be a group in bronze symbolical of Discovery.
- Extract from : « Christopher Columbus and His Monument Columbia » by Various
- To interlace these is the crowning achievement of political science.
- Extract from : « Statesman » by Plato
- But before proceeding I must add a crowning word about drinking.
- Extract from : « Laws » by Plato
- My remaining in Paris is the crowning folly of a life full of follies and mistakes.
- Extract from : « Scaramouche » by Rafael Sabatini
- The crowning feature of their hospitality was the banquet on Thursday night.
- Extract from : « Prairie Farmer, Vol. 56: No. 4, January 26, 1884 » by Various
Words or expressions associated with your search
- cockcrow
- coordinated successive crowd wave
- crow
- crowd
- crowd in
- crowd-pleaser
- crowd-pleasing
- crowded
- crowdie
- crowding
- crowds
- crowing
- crown
- crown roast
- crowned
- crowned head
- crowning accomplishment
- crowning achievement
- crowning stroke
- eat crow
- escrow
- in crowd
- in-crowd
- in crowds
- Jim Crow
- Jim Crowism
- jim crowisms
- jim crows
- microwave
- overcrowd
- overcrowded
- overcrowding
- scarecrow
- the crown
- the in-crowd
- uncrowded
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