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Synonyms for crashingly

Grammar : Adv
Spell : krash-ing
Phonetic Transcription : ˈkræʃ ɪŋ

Top 10 synonyms for crashingly Other synonyms for the word crashingly

Définition of crashingly

Origin :
  • c.1400, crasschen "break in pieces;" with no identifiable ancestors or relatives it probably is imitative. Computing sense is 1973, which makes it one of the earliest computer jargon words. Meaning "break into a party, etc." is 1922. Slang meaning "to sleep" dates from 1943; especially from 1965. Related: Crashed; crashing.
  • As in loudly : adv audibly
Example sentences :
  • It struck a student in the face and hurled him crashingly backward.
  • Extract from : « Frank Merriwell's Reward » by Burt L. Standish
  • Just at that moment he heard someone come, crashingly, through the jungle.
  • Extract from : « The Motor Boat Club in Florida » by H. Irving Hancock
  • He had followed the crashingly made trail through undergrowth and woodland until it had emerged into the highroad.
  • Extract from : « Lad: A Dog » by Albert Payson Terhune

Antonyms for crashingly

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019