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Synonyms for cloudland
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : kloud-land |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈklaʊdˌlænd |
Définition of cloudland
- As in lotus land : noun idyllic realm
- But when it was gone; then the Before built to itself also a cloudland and drew me on.
- Extract from : « The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 86, December, 1864 » by Various
- With what device or in what hope hangest thou chill in cloudland?
- Extract from : « The Aeneid of Virgil » by Virgil
- Always a fresh inspiration sent him off into his cloudland again.
- Extract from : « Mushroom Town » by Oliver Onions
- He had escaped into Cloudland before an arrow could reach him.
- Extract from : « Nature Myths and Stories for Little Children » by Flora J. Cooke
- The journey to the Enchanted Palace through Cloudland was amazing.
- Extract from : « Carnival » by Compton Mackenzie
- You might wire up to Cloudland and have it forwarded from there.
- Extract from : « Bransford of Rainbow Range » by Eugene Manlove Rhodes
- Where were the little raindrops that left Cloudland early in the morning?
- Extract from : « Buttercup Gold and Other Stories » by Ellen Robena Field
- For me, Little Nell is scarcely more than a figure in cloudland.
- Extract from : « Life of Charles Dickens » by Frank Marzials
- Why crystallize with a word the cloudland perfection of the mirage in which they walked?
- Extract from : « Out of the Ashes » by Ethel Watts Mumford
- His ministry, however, cannot be all top, a cloudland impalpable and fleeting.
- Extract from : « The Minister and the Boy » by Allan Hoben
Words or expressions associated with your search
- be cloud
- be clouded
- be clouds
- be in clouds
- be up in clouds
- becloud
- cloud
- cloud cuckoo land
- cloud nine
- cloud the issue
- Cloudcuckooland
- clouded
- cloudiness
- cloudland
- clouds
- clout
- ground clouds
- head in the clouds
- in clouds
- in the clouds
- mushroom cloud
- on cloud nine
- overcloud
- radioactive cloud
- rain cloud
- rain clouds
- was clouds
- was in clouds
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Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019