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Synonyms for century
Grammar : Adj |
Spell : sen-chuh-ree |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈsɛn tʃə ri |
Définition of century
Origin :- 1530s, "one hundred (of anything)," from Latin centuria "group of one hundred" of things of one kind (including a measure of land and a division of the Roman army, one-sixteenth of a legion, headed by a centurion), from centum "hundred" (see hundred) on analogy of decuria "a company of ten."
- Used in Middle English from late 14c. as a division of land, from Roman use. The Modern English meaning is attested from 1650s, short for century of years (1620s). The older, general sense is preserved in the meaning "score of 100 points" in cricket and some other sports. Related: Centurial.
- adj of one hundred years
- His life has been that of his century—progressive, liberal, humanitarian in its trend.
- Extract from : « The Grand Old Man » by Richard B. Cook
- This is the hope that beckons us onward in this century of trial.
- Extract from : « United States Presidents' Inaugural Speeches » by Various
- From the height of this place and the summit of this century, let us go forth.
- Extract from : « United States Presidents' Inaugural Speeches » by Various
- The second third of this century has been a time of proud achievement.
- Extract from : « United States Presidents' Inaugural Speeches » by Various
- And by our dreams and labors we will redeem the promise of America in the 21st century.
- Extract from : « United States Presidents' Inaugural Speeches » by Various
- And we need a new sense of responsibility for a new century.
- Extract from : « United States Presidents' Inaugural Speeches » by Various
- We began the 19th century with a choice, to spread our nation from coast to coast.
- Extract from : « United States Presidents' Inaugural Speeches » by Various
- He regarded the changes of the century exceedingly beneficial.
- Extract from : « The Grand Old Man » by Richard B. Cook
- The need of the teacher will not grow less as the century goes on.
- Extract from : « The Call of the Twentieth Century » by David Starr Jordan
- For this reason the century will ask its men to take a college education.
- Extract from : « The Call of the Twentieth Century » by David Starr Jordan
Words or expressions associated with your search
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- accent
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- accentuates
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- acquiescent
- acquiescently
- adjacent
- adjacent to
- adolescent
- adolescents
- alkalescent
- ascent
- batting percentage
- be adjacent
- be adjacent to
- beneficent
- birthing center
- calescent
- candescent
- cent
- centaur
- centenary
- centennial
- centennials
- center
- center attention
- center city
- center gravity
- center of attention
- center of gravity
- center of mass
- center of operations
- center on
- center stage
- center upon
- centered
- centered on
- centerfold
- centering
- centering on
- centering upon
- centerings
- centermost
- centermosts
- centerpiece
- centers
- centers on
- centipede
- central
- central administration
- central air
- central air conditioning
- central bank
- central character
- central city
- central office
- central processing unit
- central processor
- central station
- centrales
- centrality
- centralization
- centralize
- centralized
- centrally
- centrally located
- centrals
- centre of gravity
- centric
- centrifugal
- centriole
- centripetal
- centrism
- centroidal
- centrolineal
- centrum
- centrums
- centuplicate
- centurial
- centuries
- centurion
- century
- city center
- complacent
- concentrate
- concentrated
- concentrated area for shopping
- concentration
- concentration camp
- control center
- convalescent
- crescent
- day-care center
- day care center
- de-cent
- de cent
- de-scent
- de scent
- de-scents
- de scents
- dead-center
- dead center
- dead centers
- decalescent
- decent
- decent person
- decent-sized
- decently
- decentness
- decentralization
- decentralize
- decentralized
- decrescent
- dehiscent
- deliquescent
- descent
- disincentive
- eccentric
- eccentrically
- eccentricities
- eccentricity
- effervescent
- effervescent water
- efflorescent
- egocentric
- egocentrically
- egocentricity
- egocentrics
- egocentrism
- entertainment center
- epicenter
- erubescent
- ethnocentricity
- evanescent
- field of concentration
- fifty percent
- find innocent
- finding innocent
- finds innocent
- gave incentive
- give two cents
- heliocentric system
- in candescent
- in decent
- in nocent
- in recent past
- in the center
- incandescent
- incentive
- indecent
- indecent material
- indecently
- innocent
- innocently
- iridescent
- lactescent
- left of center
- licentiate
- licentious
- licentiousness
- liquescent
- lucent
- luminescent
- magnificently
- maleficent
- malificent
- most recent
- munificent
- nascent
- nemine contradicente
- nerve-center
- nerve center
- nocent
- nontranslucent
- obsolescent
- off-center
- off center
- offcenter
- on the scent
- one hundred per cent
- one hundred percent
- one-hundred percent
- one-percenters
- onehundred percent
- onepercenter
- opalescent
- percent
- percentage
- phosphorescent
- put in two cents
- put two cents in
- putrescent
- quiescent
- re cent
- re-cent
- recent
- recently
- relucent
- reticent
- right of center
- rufescent
- scent
- self-centered
- self-centered person
- senescent
- shopping center
- storm center
- subjacent
- ten-cent store
- ten cent store
- ten percenter
- tencent store
- translucent
- trauma center
- twenty-five cents
- two cents worth
- unconcentrated
- vital center
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