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Synonyms for casts away

Grammar : Verb
Spell : kast, kahst
Phonetic Transcription : kæst, kɑst

Top 10 synonyms for casts away Other synonyms for the word casts away

Définition of casts away

Origin :
  • mid-13c., "a throw, an act of throwing," from cast (v.). In early use especially of dice, hence figurative uses relating to fortune or fate. Meaning "that which is cast" is from c.1550s. Meaning "dash or shade of color" is from c.1600. The sense of "a throw" carried an idea of "the form the thing takes after it has been thrown," which led to widespread and varied meanings, such as "group of actors in a play" (1630s). OED finds 42 distinct noun meaning and 83 verbal ones, with many sub-definitions. Many of the figurative senses converged in a general meaning "sort, kind, style" (mid-17c.). A cast in the eye (early 14c.) preserves the older verbal sense of "warp, turn."
  • As in maroon : verb abandon
  • As in spend : verb give, pay out
  • As in fritter : verb waste away
Example sentences :
  • He casts away Cain and makes Abel an angel, and the "first of all the saints."
  • Extract from : « Commentary on Genesis, Vol. I » by Martin Luther
  • Truth she keeps coining in her mints, such truth As she can tolerate; and every die Except her own she breaks and casts away.
  • Extract from : « The Life of Friedrich Schiller » by Thomas Carlyle
  • So, when I stays off my knees awhile an' casts away faith in de unseen, seem dat my horse-sense hit gives me trouble.
  • Extract from : « The River's Children » by Ruth McEnery Stuart
  • Brnnhilde casts away shield, spear, and helmet, and sinking down at Wotan's feet looks up to him with affectionate anxiety.
  • Extract from : « The Complete Opera Book » by Gustav Kobb
  • The eternal heavens change beneath His eye, like a garment which a man puts on his body and then casts away from him.
  • Extract from : « The Pharaoh and the Priest » by Alexander Glovatski
  • As Mrs. Browning says, He who tears his heart in twain, and casts away the baser part, is richer for his loss.
  • Extract from : « The Chautauquan, Vol. III, December 1882 » by The Chautauquan Literary and Scientific Circle

Antonyms for casts away

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019