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Synonyms for calculator
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : kal-kyuh-ley-ter |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈkæl kyəˌleɪ tər |
Définition of calculator
Origin :- late 14c., "mathematician, one who calculates," from Latin calculator, from calculatus, past participle of calculare "to reckon, compute," from calculus (see calculus). Of mechanical adding machine contraptions, from 1784. Of electronic ones, from 1946.
- Electronic calculator uses 18,000 tubes to solve complex problems ["Scientific American" headline, June 1946]
- noun adding machine
- Yard after yard of calculator paper was filled with equations and computations.
- Extract from : « Spacehounds of IPC » by Edward Elmer Smith
- She had a figure like an ironing board and the soul of a Ramsden calculator.
- Extract from : « Unwise Child » by Gordon Randall Garrett
- There were ten calculator tables here, two of them in operation now.
- Extract from : « The Ultimate Weapon » by John Wood Campbell
- He strode to the desk, reached out one hand and drew a calculator near.
- Extract from : « Empire » by Clifford Donald Simak
- "Now you're making a joke," Meta said serenely as she fed a figure into the calculator.
- Extract from : « Deathworld » by Harry Harrison
- Then she fed more figures into the calculator and handed the result to Ato.
- Extract from : « Hunters Out of Space » by Joseph Everidge Kelleam
- Andries is shrewd, if he be no calculator; and I dare to say he has engaged a suitable man.
- Extract from : « The Chainbearer » by J. Fenimore Cooper
- Well, says the calculator, but who has the offices of the nation?
- Extract from : « Speeches, Addresses, and Occasional Sermons, Volume 2 (of 3) » by Theodore Parker
- Arch-genethliac: a genethliac is a calculator of nativities—an astrologer.
- Extract from : « The Browning Cyclopdia » by Edward Berdoe
- Thus, the calculator may reckon him "behind the age," or his favourite views of human improvement.
- Extract from : « The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction » by Various
Words or expressions associated with your search
- according to the calculated share
- actuarial calculation
- biliary calculus
- calcification
- calcified
- calcify
- calciminer
- calcimining
- calcine
- calcitrate
- calcitrated
- calcitration
- calcium cyclamate
- calculable
- calculate
- calculate on
- calculate roughly
- calculated
- calculated to produce
- calculatedly
- calculating
- calculatingly
- calculatings
- calculation
- calculations
- calculator
- calculi
- calculous
- calculus
- decalcomania
- electronic calculator
- incalculable
- miscalculate
- miscalculated
- miscalculation
- recalcitrance
- recalcitrancy
- recalcitrant
- recalcitrantly
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