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Synonyms for bouffant

Grammar : Noun
Spell : boo-fahnt, boo-fahnt; French boo-fahn
Phonetic Transcription : buˈfɑnt, ˈbu fɑnt; French buˈfɑ̃

Top 10 synonyms for bouffant Other synonyms for the word bouffant

Définition of bouffant

Origin :
  • 1869, from French bouffant, present participle of bouffer "to puff out," from Old French bouffer (12c.), from Vulgar Latin *buffare, probably ultimately imitative of puffing. As a noun by 1870. Earlier as a French word in English. First used of hairdo style 1955.
  • As in hairstyle : noun cut, style of a head of hair
Example sentences :
  • She smiled to see the old men with their high-waisted pants and the old women with their bouffant hair.
  • Extract from : « Makers » by Cory Doctorow
  • To the American eye it is a musical comedy costume, picturesque, bouffant, amazing.
  • Extract from : « Fanny Herself » by Edna Ferber
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019