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Synonyms for be curious
Grammar : Verb |
Top 10 synonyms for be curious Other synonyms for the word be curious
- ask oneself
- be a busybody
- be all ears
- be apprehensive of
- be curious
- be dubious
- be in a quandary
- be inquisitive
- be nosy
- be puzzled
- be uncertain
- be undetermined
- call in question
- challenge
- demur
- discredit
- dispute
- distrust
- fear
- ferret out
- fluctuate
- give no credence
- harbor suspicion
- have one's doubts
- have qualms
- hesitate
- imagine
- impugn
- insinuate
- intrude
- investigate
- listen in
- meddle
- meditate
- misdoubt
- misgive
- mistrust
- nose
- not buy
- peek
- peep
- peer
- poke nose into
- puzzle
- query
- question
- ransack
- read differently
- reconnoiter
- rubberneck
- scruple
- search
- shilly-shally
- skepticize
- smell a rat
- snoop
- spy
- stare
- surmise
- suspect
- take dim view of
- tap
- tune in on
- vacillate
- waver
- wiretap
- wonder
- wonder at
Définition of be curious
- As in pry : verb interfere in someone else's business
- As in wonder : verb doubt; ponder
- As in misdoubt : verb doubt
- As in doubt : verb lack confidence in; question
Antonyms for be curious
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019