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Synonyms for arriver

Grammar : Noun
Spell : uh-rahyv
Phonetic Transcription : əˈraɪv

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Définition of arriver

Origin :
  • c.1200, "reach land, reach the end of a journey by sea," from Anglo-French ariver, Old French ariver (11c.) "to come to land," from Vulgar Latin *arripare "to touch the shore," from Latin ad ripam "to the shore," from ad "to" (see ad-) + ripa "shore" (see riparian). The original notion is of coming ashore after a long voyage. Of journeys other than by sea, from late 14c. Sense of "to come to a position or state of mind" is from late 14c. Related: Arrived; arriving.
  • As in arrival : noun something that makes it to a destination
  • As in comer : noun one with promise
Example sentences :
  • A person found in a room, if it be a room strange to the arriver, does not instantly detach himself from his surroundings.
  • Extract from : « And Even Now » by Max Beerbohm

Antonyms for arriver

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019