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Synonyms for animalculum
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : an-uh-mal-kyuh-luh m |
Phonetic Transcription : ˌæn əˈmæl kyə ləm |
Définition of animalculum
- As in amoeba : noun protozoa
- Animalcula is the plural of animalculum; there is no such word as animalculœ.
- Extract from : « Every-Day Errors of Speech » by L. P. Meredith
- Animalculum (plural, animalcula) is used with the same meaning.
- Extract from : « A Treatise on Physiology and Hygiene » by Joseph Chrisman Hutchison
Words or expressions associated with your search
- accompaniment
- accompaniments
- anima
- anima mundi
- animadversion
- animadvert on
- animal
- animal group
- animal magnetism
- animalcule
- animalculum
- Animalia
- animalistic
- animality
- animals
- animate
- animated
- animatedly
- animating
- animating principle
- animation
- animation studio
- animosity
- animus
- cartoon animation
- cell animation
- draft animal
- equanimity
- equanimous
- exanimate
- experimental animal
- farm animal
- farm animals
- higher animal
- in animate
- inanimate
- kingdom Animalia
- kingdom animalias
- laboratory animal
- latter part of animate life
- lower animal
- magnanimity
- magnanimous
- magnanimously
- nonanimal
- pack animal
- plow animal
- pusillanimous
- re animate
- re-animate
- re animated
- re-animated
- re-animates
- re animates
- re animating
- re-animating
- reanimation
- social animal
- suspended animation
- test animal
- un animated
- unanimated
- unanimity
- without accompaniment
- work animal
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