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Synonyms for analgesia

Grammar : Noun
Spell : an-l-jee-zee-uh, -see-uh
Phonetic Transcription : ˌæn lˈdʒi zi ə, -si ə

Top 10 synonyms for analgesia Other synonyms for the word analgesia

Définition of analgesia

Origin :
  • "absence of pain," 1706, medical Latin, from Greek analgesia "painlessness, insensibility," from analgetos "without pain, insensible to pain" (also "unfeeling, ruthless"), from an- "not" (see an- (1)) + algein "to feel pain" (see -algia).
  • As in insensibility : noun dullness
  • As in anesthesia/anaesthesia : noun induced sleep; induced absence of feeling

Antonyms for analgesia

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019