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Synonyms for all the rage

Grammar : Adj, noun
Spell : reyj
Phonetic Transcription : reɪdʒ

Top 10 synonyms for all the rage Other synonyms for the word all the rage

Définition of all the rage

Origin :
  • c.1300, "madness, insanity; fit of frenzy; anger, wrath; fierceness in battle; violence of storm, fire, etc.," from Old French rage, raige "spirit, passion, rage, fury, madness" (11c.), from Medieval Latin rabia, from Latin rabies "madness, rage, fury," related to rabere "be mad, rave" (cf. rabies, which originally had this sense), from PIE *rebh- "violent, impetuous" (cf. Old English rabbian "to rage"). Similarly, Welsh (cynddaredd) and Breton (kounnar) words for "rage, fury" originally meant "hydrophobia" and are compounds based on the word for "dog" (Welsh ci, plural cwn; Breton ki). In 15c.-16c. it also could mean "rabies." The rage "fashion, vogue" dates from 1785.
  • As in modish : adj fashionable
  • As in state-of-the-art : adj pertaining to highest level of development at time
  • As in up-to-date : adj current
  • As in du jour : adj of the day
  • As in in vogue : adj in the current style
  • As in in : adj fashionable
  • As in swank : adj fashionable
  • As in tony : adj fashionable
  • As in trig : adj fashionable
  • As in fashionable : adj stylish, up-to-date
  • As in hip : adj fashionable, stylish
  • As in dernier cri : noun latest fashion

Antonyms for all the rage

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019