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Antonyms for stumper
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : stuhm-per |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈstʌm pər |
Definition of stumper
- As in mystery : noun puzzle, secret
- As in problem : noun puzzle, question
- As in riddle : noun brain-teaser
- As in leading question : noun suggestive question
- As in stickler : noun puzzle
- As in candidate : noun person desiring political office, job
- As in perplexity : noun mystery
- As in puzzler : noun mystery
- As in enigma : noun mystery
- "I thought it was a stumper," he remarked with evident satisfaction.
- Extract from : « The Land of Promise » by D. Torbett
- But how the mischief even a raw Britisher could be soft-sawdered by Anstey is a stumper.
- Extract from : « The Luck of Gerard Ridgeley » by Bertram Mitford
- That was a 'stumper' for the poor woman, who evidently did not understand one half of the sentence.
- Extract from : « Continental Monthly , Vol I, Issue I, January 1862 » by Various
- This logic was rather a stumper; but they took him up, as before said, and carried him for further examination.
- Extract from : « The Women of the Confederacy » by J. L. Underwood
- That was a "stumper" for the poor woman, who evidently did not understand one-half of the sentence.
- Extract from : « Among the Pines » by James R. Gilmore
- It wur a stumper to Sally, so she got Jess to explain it, and the way he did it was enormous.
- Extract from : « The Swamp Doctor's Adventures in The South-West » by John Robb
Synonyms for stumper
- abstruseness
- applicant
- aspirant
- bewilderment
- bidder
- brain-twister
- brainteaser
- braintwister
- bugaboo
- charade
- chiller
- claimant
- cliff-hanger
- cliffhanger
- closed book
- clue
- competitor
- complexity
- complication
- confusion
- contender
- contestant
- conundrum
- crux
- cryptogram
- dark horse
- difficulty
- dilemma
- distraction
- doubt
- embarrassment
- enigma
- entanglement
- entrant
- example
- favorite son
- feeler
- fishing question
- Gordian knot
- grabber
- handshaker
- hint
- hopeful
- illustration
- indirect question
- inscrutability
- inscrutableness
- intricacy
- job-hunter
- knot
- knotty question
- labyrinth
- leader
- maze
- mind-boggler
- mind-twister
- mindboggler
- mystery
- mystification
- nominee
- occult
- office-seeker
- oracle
- parable
- paradox
- perplexity
- petitioner
- plight
- poser
- possibility
- possible choice
- pothunter
- predicament
- problem
- prompt
- prompting
- puzzle
- puzzlement
- puzzler
- quandary
- query
- question
- question mark
- rebus
- reminder
- riddle
- rune
- runner
- secrecy
- secret
- seeker
- sixty-four dollar question
- sixty-four thousand dollar question
- sixty-four-thousand-dollar question
- solicitant
- sphinx
- sticker
- stickler
- strait
- stumper
- subtlety
- successor
- suggest
- suitor
- teaser
- thriller
- tough nut to crack
- tough proposition
- trial balloon
- trick question
- twister
- whistle-stopper
- whodunit
- why
- write-in
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019