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Antonyms for most popular

Grammar : Adj
Spell : pop-yuh-ler
Phonetic Transcription : ˈpɒp yə lər

Definition of most popular

Origin :
  • early 15c., "public," from Middle French populier (Modern French populaire) and directly from Latin popularis "belonging to the people, general, common; devoted to or accepted by the people; democratic," from populus "people" (see people (n.)).
  • Meaning "suited to ordinary people" is from 1570s in English; hence, of prices, "low, affordable to average persons" (1859). Meaning "well-liked, admired by the people" is attested from c.1600. Of art, entertainment, etc., "favored by people generally" from 1819 (popular song). Related: Popularly. Popular Front "coalition of Communists, Socialists, and radicals" is from 1936, first in a French context.
  • adj well-known, favorite
  • adj common, standard

Synonyms for most popular

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