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Antonyms for loses

Grammar : Verb
Spell : looz
Phonetic Transcription : luz

Definition of loses

Origin :
  • Old English losian "be lost, perish," from los "destruction, loss," from Proto-Germanic *lausa- (cf. Old Norse los "the breaking up of an army;" Old English forleosan "to lose, destroy," Old Frisian forliasa, Old Saxon farliosan, Middle Dutch verliesen, Old High German firliosan, German verlieren), from PIE root *leu- "to loosen, divide, cut apart, untie, separate" (cf. Sanskrit lunati "cuts, cuts off," lavitram "sickle;" Greek lyein "to loosen, untie, slacken," lysus "a loosening;" Latin luere "to loose, release, atone for, expiate").
  • Replaced related leosan (a class II strong verb whose past participle loren survives in forlorn and lovelorn), from Proto-Germanic *leusanan (cf. Old High German virliosan, German verlieren, Old Frisian urliasa, Gothic fraliusan "to lose").
  • Transitive sense of "to part with accidentally" is from c.1200. Meaning "fail to maintain" is from mid-15c. Meaning "to be defeated" (in a game, etc.) is from 1530s. Meaning "to cause (someone) to lose his way" is from 1640s. To lose (one's) mind "become insane" is attested from c.1500. To lose out "fail" is 1858, American English. Related: Lost; losing.
  • verb be deprived of; mislay
  • verb be defeated
  • verb escape, avoid
Example sentences :
  • A man may gain foreknowledge by a wife, but he loses free agency.
  • Extract from : « Homeward Bound » by James Fenimore Cooper
  • As a Christian he loses his trade, and he has been trained to no other.
  • Extract from : « Things as They Are » by Amy Wilson-Carmichael
  • There is no evidence that it ever loses either its wave-length or energy.
  • Extract from : « The Machinery of the Universe » by Amos Emerson Dolbear
  • It loses the religious sense which more than any other seems to take a man out of himself.
  • Extract from : « Theaetetus » by Plato
  • It loses your time and blurs the impression of your character.
  • Extract from : « Essays, First Series » by Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • For every friend whom he loses for truth, he gains a better.
  • Extract from : « Essays, First Series » by Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • I mean if a man over twenty once loses his own particular job, it's all over with him.
  • Extract from : « Howards End » by E. M. Forster
  • "If he loses it will serve him good and right," she declared.
  • Extract from : « Kent Knowles: Quahaug » by Joseph C. Lincoln
  • "It's a cold day when Phil loses a chance for a joke," says Ebenezer.
  • Extract from : « Cape Cod Stories » by Joseph C. Lincoln
  • And if he loses that your uncle would no longer support so strenuously his suit with you.
  • Extract from : « Love-at-Arms » by Raphael Sabatini

Synonyms for loses

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