List of synonyms from "warrantability" to synonyms from "was a funk"
Discover all the synonyms available for the terms warts all, was, was a foundation for, warranted, warring and many more. Click on one of the words below and go directly to the synonyms associated with it.
Definition of the day : « warred »
- verb fight, battle
- The spirit had warred against the flesh, and the spirit had won then and now.
- Extract from : « Olive in Italy » by Moray Dalton
- What raised the warfare of Pius into grandeur was the scale upon which he warred.
- Extract from : « History of the English People » by John Richard Green
- He warred with destiny; and no man could say what was his fate until the hakim had decided.
- Extract from : « The Pacha of Many Tales » by Frederick Marryat
- For seven long years King Karl and his Franks warred in the peninsula.
- Extract from : « With Spurs of Gold » by Frances Nimmo Greene
- The hardwoods are also warred upon by bugs, weevils, borers, and fungi.
- Extract from : « The Spell of the Rockies » by Enos A. Mills
- He was an able prince, benevolent, and warred with the Moors.
- Extract from : « The Every Day Book of History and Chronology » by Joel Munsell
- She could see the smoke of fires against which the summer rain had warred in vain.
- Extract from : « The Garden of Swords » by Max Pemberton
- Afterwards he warred in Italy, slew Turnus, and won Lavinia (111-467).
- Extract from : « Chaucer's Works, Volume 3 (of 7) » by Geoffrey Chaucer
- Horrible was the society with which we warred, but our own means were not less horrible.
- Extract from : « The Dynamiter » by Robert Louis Stevenson
- This plain has been the Aceldama of the nations that have warred in Palestine.
- Extract from : « Heroines of the Crusades » by C. A. Bloss