List of synonyms from "victory" to synonyms from "vigilant"
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Definition of the day : « vigil »
- noun watch
- He cleared the room, and took up his vigil outside the door.
- Extract from : « K » by Mary Roberts Rinehart
- Despite all the fatigue of that terrible night of vigil, he did not think of sleeping.
- Extract from : « The Three Cities Trilogy, Complete » by Emile Zola
- Of everything else—the vigil, the preparations, the funeral—he remembered nothing.
- Extract from : « The Three Cities Trilogy, Complete » by Emile Zola
- Dan waked him at twelve for his vigil, and he in turn was wakened at two.
- Extract from : « The Inn at the Red Oak » by Latta Griswold
- He was not in the least sleepy; but after a while the vigil began to tell upon his nerves.
- Extract from : « The Inn at the Red Oak » by Latta Griswold
- Then, in the latter part of his vigil, an odd thing happened.
- Extract from : « The Cruise of the Dry Dock » by T. S. Stribling
- With better courage than will, he consented to share their vigil.
- Extract from : « Salted With Fire » by George MacDonald
- During the long night he kept the vigil by the bedside; long after any need to keep it.
- Extract from : « Now We Are Three » by Joe L. Hensley
- It was the vigil of the day sacred to the memory of the saint, May 29, 1453.
- Extract from : « Byzantine Churches in Constantinople » by Alexander Van Millingen
- He found he had not thought nearly all of them in his afternoon vigil.
- Extract from : « The Very Small Person » by Annie Hamilton Donnell