List of synonyms from "shortcoming" to synonyms from "shove off"
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Definition of the day : « shortcut »
- noun bypass
- It is a shortcut indicating that the word should have two m's in succession.
- Extract from : « The Frontier in American History » by Frederick Jackson Turner
- However, I'm still hopeful of finding a shortcut through Laro.
- Extract from : « Masters of Space » by Edward Elmer Smith
- A shortcut brought me—I could wish it had been shorter still.
- Extract from : « Plays by August Strindberg, Third Series » by August Strindberg
- "Well, I've got to be one of them," she said in her shortcut American way.
- Extract from : « The Messenger » by Elizabeth Robins
- I don't want to walk up the hill, even if you do have a shortcut.
- Extract from : « Baartock » by Lewis Roth
- The jeep took a shortcut across the concrete fence, and left tire marks in the grass in front of the Fuels Department.
- Extract from : « Wait for Weight » by Jack McKenty
- Nanglaktud ku padúng sa simbahan, I took a shortcut to church.
- Extract from : « A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan » by John U. Wolff
- Nagsyurtkat mi sa baul, We took a shortcut through the field.
- Extract from : « A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan » by John U. Wolff
- The drug has provided you, and therefore me, with a shortcut to a very interesting experience.
- Extract from : « Three John Silence Stories » by Algernon Blackwood
- Betty Byrd held fast to Doris as they turned into the side wood road which was a shortcut to the old Dorchester highway.
- Extract from : « The Seven Sleuths' Club » by Carol Norton