List of synonyms from "predominantly" to synonyms from "prehistoric"
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Definition of the day : « preference »
- noun first choice
- noun favorable treatment
- How my heart rises at her preference of them to me, when she is convinced of their injustice to me!
- Extract from : « Clarissa, Volume 1 (of 9) » by Samuel Richardson
- Let us consider, again, how preference in a writer is established.
- Extract from : « The Man Shakespeare » by Frank Harris
- That would be showing a preference, and a preference is never fair.
- Extract from : « The Boy Life of Napoleon » by Eugenie Foa
- All our reasonings a priori will never be able to show us any foundation for this preference.
- Extract from : « An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding » by David Hume
- In preference to talking to her, he preferred to stand a little way off and look at her.
- Extract from : « Roden's Corner » by Henry Seton Merriman
- And shall I marry a woman, who has given me reason to doubt the preference she has for me?
- Extract from : « Clarissa, Volume 3 (of 9) » by Samuel Richardson
- From their early youth his three sons showed a preference for the hidden wisdom.
- Extract from : « The Chinese Fairy Book » by Various
- Many varieties of stone were used, but the preference was given to basalt.
- Extract from : « The Railroad Question » by William Larrabee
- Barillon, then our ambassador in England, was listened to in preference.
- Extract from : « The Memoirs of Louis XIV., His Court and The Regency, Complete » by Duc de Saint-Simon
- Gervaise didn't know yet because Nana had never indicated any preference.
- Extract from : « L'Assommoir » by Emile Zola