List of synonyms from "ill-favoreds" to synonyms from "ill-omened"
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Definition of the day : « ill feelings »
- As in rancor : noun bitterness, hatefulness
- As in resentment : noun hate, anger
- As in hard feelings : noun anger
- As in rancorousness : noun resentment
- As in resentfulness : noun resentment
- As in virulence : noun resentment
- As in virulency : noun resentment
- As in disagreement : noun dispute, quarrel
- Amongst the five or six other men who had struck work, I noticed Jynxstrop the cook, who evidently shared all Owen's ill feelings.
- Extract from : « The Survivors of the Chancellor » by Jules Verne
- Her ladyship then inquired for Dick, and expressed a hope that he would harbour no ill feelings towards her son.
- Extract from : « The Rival Crusoes » by W.H.G. Kingston
- And that he in no way demonstrated any animosity or ill feelings toward President Kennedy?
- Extract from : « Warren Commission (10 of 26): Hearings Vol. X (of 15) » by The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
- They then dug a hole in the ground, in which they buried their war axe, and professed to deposite all ill feelings with it.
- Extract from : « Early Western Travels 1748-1846 » by Various
- M. T. Pate had no ill feelings towards this young man, and could not help pitying him.
- Extract from : « The Funny Philosophers » by George Yellott
- The ill feelings which the rioters had vented upon one another were turned against him.
- Extract from : « Old Farm Fairies: » by Henry Christopher McCook