List of synonyms from "amble" to synonyms from "America's Icebox"
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Definition of the day : « amenability »
- noun complaisance
- The chimpanzee differs from the gorilla in his amenability to civilisation.
- Extract from : « Natural History in Anecdote » by Various
- Slowly Tom rose and went, prodded into amenability by the muzzle of a rifle in the small of his back.
- Extract from : « When 'Bear Cat' Went Dry » by Charles Neville Buck
- The great issue was the amenability of the clergy to the civil tribunals.
- Extract from : « The South American Republics, Part II (of 2) » by Thomas C. Dawson
- Because of his amenability the Alimentive can marry almost any type and be happy.
- Extract from : « How to Analyze People on Sight » by Elsie Lincoln Benedict and Ralph Paine Benedict
- Sulkiness at being thus thwarted replaced her earlier attempt at amenability.
- Extract from : « Marjorie Dean College Junior » by Pauline Lester
- Until the clansmen had opened and aired the festering sores of their grievances there lay in them no hope of amenability.
- Extract from : « The Tempering » by Charles Neville Buck