Synonyms for zone
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : zohn |
Phonetic Transcription : zoÊŠn |
Top 10 synonyms for zone Other synonyms for the word zone
Définition of zone
Origin :- late 14c., from Latin zona "geographical belt, celestial zone," from Greek zone "a belt," related to zonnynai "to gird," from PIE root *yes- "to gird, girdle" (cf. Avestan yasta- "girt," Lithuanian juosiu "to gird," Old Church Slavonic po-jasu "girdle").
- Originally one of the five great divisions of the earth's surface (torrid, temperate, frigid; separated by tropics of Cancer and Capricorn and Arctic and Antarctic circles); meaning "any discrete region" is first recorded 1822. Zone defense in team sports is recorded from 1927. Zoning "land-use planning" is recorded from 1912. Zoned (adj.) in drug-use sense is attested 1960s, from ozone, which is found high in the atmosphere; the related verb to zone is from 1980s.
- noun district
- Hungary has also applied the zone system to its freight traffic.
- Extract from : « The Railroad Question » by William Larrabee
- Truly, this is a record which few localities can equal in any zone.
- Extract from : « Aztec Land » by Maturin M. Ballou
- So Lydia sank upon the zone left by the corset and stockings.
- Extract from : « The Prisoner » by Alice Brown
- The artillery duel was more intense in the zone east of Goritz.
- Extract from : « The Story of the Great War, Volume VI (of VIII) » by Various
- Then it entered into a zone of torrid light which the sun threw on the waves.
- Extract from : « A Romance of the West Indies » by Eugne Sue
- But even within the zone thus defined there are many thousands of stars.
- Extract from : « Great Astronomers » by R. S. Ball
- Many animals live better in our zone than in any other zone.
- Extract from : « Where We Live » by Emilie Van Beil Jacobs
- The bubbles floated in the clear air, above and beyond the zone of smoke.
- Extract from : « The Long Roll » by Mary Johnston
- The phenomenon is by no means common, even in the Arctic zone.
- Extract from : « The Storm-Cloud of the Nineteenth Century » by John Ruskin
- We may contract this zone by ten degrees and the same thing is true.
- Extract from : « 'America for Americans!' » by John Philip Newman
Antonyms for zone
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019