Synonyms for touch a nerve ending
Sorry, there is no synonym available for touch-a-nerve-ending.
However, these words or phrases may match your search:
- a bundle nerve
- add finishing touches
- adds finishing touches
- all nerves
- appendices
- appendix
- attending
- be friending
- be in touch
- be in touch with
- be nervous
- bending
- bending of the knee
- bundle of nerves
- cacoethes loquendi
- capital expenditure
- capital spending
- cartouche
- case of nerves
- circumbendibus
- compendiary
- compendious
- compendium
- comprehending
- comprehendingly
- condescending
- contending
- cranial nerve seven
- cranial nerve VII
- de-fending
- de fending
- de-pending
- de pending
- de-scending
- de scending
- dead-ending
- dead ending
- deadending
- defending
- defendings
- deficit spending
- depending on
- descending
- easy touch
- ending
- ending at
- ending defeat
- ending gradually
- ending run
- ending up
- endinged
- endinging
- enervate
- enervated
- enervating
- enervation
- enervative
- facial nerve
- far-extending
- fender-bending
- fending off
- fiendish
- fiendishly
- fiendishness
- finishing touch
- furor loquendi
- gat in touch
- gat nerves
- gat on nerves
- gat touch
- gat touch with
- get in touch
- get in touch with
- get nerves
- get on nerves
- get on one's nerves
- get touch
- get touch with
- gets in touch
- gets in touch with
- gets touch
- gets touch with
- getting in touch
- getting in touch with
- getting touch with
- heart-rending
- heartrending
- impending
- in tending
- in touch
- in touch with
- incendiary
- innervate
- innervation
- keep in touch
- keep touch
- keeping in touch
- keeping touch
- keeps in touch
- kept in touch
- kept touch
- lending
- lending a hand
- lending an ear
- lending hand
- lending institution
- lending library
- lending rate
- lending support
- lose nerve
- make nerveless
- make nervous
- mendicant
- mendicate
- mending
- Midas touch
- mind-bending
- modus vivendi
- nerve
- nerve cell
- nerve-center
- nerve center
- nerve ending
- nerve endings
- nerve gas
- nerve-racking
- nerve racking
- nerve system
- nerveless
- nerveracking
- nerves
- nerves on edge
- nerviness
- nervous
- nervous breakdown
- nervous disorder
- nervous exhaustion
- nervous-nellie
- nervous Nellie
- nervous prostration
- nervous system
- nervous tension
- nervous wrecks
- nervously
- nervousness
- nervus faciali
- nervus facialis
- nervy
- never-ending
- never ending
- neverending
- not touch
- not touching
- offending
- olfactory nerves
- ostending
- overspending
- overspendings
- pending
- peripheral nervous system
- perpendicular
- perpendicularity
- pretending
- put the touch on
- putting touch
- raw nerve
- re commending
- re-commending
- re touch
- re touches
- re touching
- rending
- serendipity
- seventh cranial nerve
- soft touch
- spending
- spending expedition
- spending money
- spending plan
- splendid
- splendidly
- splendiferous
- stipendiary
- tending
- tendings
- thin-skinned touchy
- touch
- touch-and-go
- touch and go
- touch base with
- touch of frost
- touch off
- touch shoulders
- touch up
- touchable
- touchableness
- touched
- touchiness
- touching
- touchstone
- touchy
- touchy feely
- touchy-feely
- ulnar nerve
- unbending
- unending
- unnerve
- unnerved
- unnerving
- untouched
- war nerves
- war of nerves
- was in touch
- was nervous