Synonyms for spot news
Sorry, there is no synonym available for spot-news.
However, these words or phrases may match your search:
- abusive newsgroup message
- abusive newsgroup posting
- bad-news
- bad news
- beauty spot
- de-spot
- de spot
- de spots
- de-spots
- dead spot
- despot
- despotic
- despotism
- fusspot
- hard news
- hot spot
- in a tight spot
- in spot
- in spotlight
- in spots
- in the news
- johnny on the spot
- Johnny-on-the-spot
- johnny-on-the-spots
- Kews Garden spotted fever
- kews garden spotted fevers
- news
- news agency
- news analysis
- news anchor
- news article
- news bulletin
- news commentator
- news conference
- news editor
- news editors
- news flash
- news item
- news media
- news mediae
- news medias
- news medium
- news release
- news service
- news stories
- news story
- newsbreak
- newscast
- newscaster
- newscaster/newsperson
- newscasting
- newshound
- newsletter
- newsletters
- newsman
- newsman/newswoman
- newsmen
- newsmonger
- newspaper
- newspaper account
- newspaper article
- newspaper person
- newspaperman
- newspaperman/woman
- newspapers
- newspaperwoman
- newspeak
- newsperson
- newsprint
- newsreader
- newsstand
- newswire
- newswoman
- newswomen
- newsworthy
- newsworthy item
- newswriter
- newsy
- night spot
- nightspot
- on spot
- on-the-spot
- on the spot
- on this spot
- one-spot
- one spot
- onespots
- put on the spot
- re-news
- re news
- Rocky Mountain spotted fever
- soft spot
- soiled spot
- spot
- spot of sleep
- spotless
- spotlessness
- spots
- spotted
- spotted fever
- spotter
- spotting
- sun spot
- tall order ticklish spot tight situation trouble
- tender spot
- tight spot
- tosspot
- turn spotlight on
- unspotted
- weak spot
- x marks spot
- X marks the spot