Synonyms for patsiest
Grammar : Adj |
Top 10 synonyms for patsiest Other synonyms for the word patsiest
- confiding
- countrified
- credulous
- forthright
- frank
- fresh
- green
- guileless
- gullible
- harmless
- impulsive
- ingenuous
- innocuous
- instinctive
- jejune
- lamb
- like a babe in the woods
- natural
- open
- original
- patsy
- plain
- simple-minded
- spontaneous
- square
- sucker
- unaffected
- unjaded
- unpretentious
- unschooled
- unsuspecting
- unsuspicious
- untaught
- unworldly
- virgin
Définition of patsiest
- As in naive : adj childlike, trusting
Antonyms for patsiest
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019