Synonyms for much the same
Sorry, there is no synonym available for much-the-same.
However, these words or phrases may match your search:
- a bit much
- all same
- all the same
- be in same class as
- be in same league
- be in the same class as
- be in the same league
- be of same mind
- be of the same mind
- be on same wavelength
- be on the same wavelength
- be same
- be same class as
- be same league
- be same mind
- be the same
- be the same class as
- be the same league
- be the same mind
- be the same wavelength
- by much
- by the same token
- gossamer
- in as much as
- in the same category
- in the same degree
- in the same direction
- in the same manner
- in the same way
- in the same words
- just the same
- make much of
- make too much of
- making much of
- making too much of
- much
- much as
- much obliged
- mucho
- not by much
- not much
- not much for looks
- not much to look at
- nothing much
- of same age
- of same height
- of same mind
- of the same age
- of the same mind
- of the same opinion
- on same wavelength
- on the same wavelength
- one and the same
- open sesame
- overmuch
- pretty much
- same
- same difference
- same old stuff
- same old thing
- sameness
- selfsame
- selfsameness
- take on too much
- take too much
- takes on too much
- takes too much
- taking on too much
- taking too much
- the same way
- to the same degree
- very much
- very same
- was in same class as
- was in same league
- was in the same class as
- was of same mind
- was of the same mind
- was on the same wavelength