Synonyms for misdoing
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : mis-doo |
Phonetic Transcription : mɪsˈdu |
Top 10 synonyms for misdoing
Définition of misdoing
Origin :- Old English misdon, "to do evil or wrong, transgress, err," common Germanic compound (cf. Old Frisian misdua, Middle Dutch misdoen, Old High German missituon, German misstun); see mis- (1) + do (v.). Meaning "to do (work, etc.) improperly" is from 1840. Related: Misdone; misdoing.
- noun misbehavior
- Henry's name does not occur at all in connexion with any disturbance or misdoing.
- Extract from : « Henry of Monmouth, Volume 1 » by J. Endell Tyler
- The tone was dry and short; it flung a challenge to misdoing.
- Extract from : « Marriage la mode » by Mrs. Humphry Ward
- And that problem of arranging life to his mind had been the source of all his misdoing.
- Extract from : « Romola » by George Eliot
- She knew (and they had taken care that she should know) the full extent of her misdoing.
- Extract from : « The Creators » by May Sinclair
- Some strand of our own misdoing is involved in every quarrel.
- Extract from : « The Pocket R.L.S. » by Robert Louis Stevenson
- These were cases of misdoing which had occurred within the palace walls.
- Extract from : « Old and New Paris, v. 2 » by Henry Sutherland Edwards
- The habitants, in their blind way, blamed him for the consequences of their own misdoing.
- Extract from : « The Pomp of the Lavilettes, Complete » by Gilbert Parker
- For her, the evidence of my misdoing hung about me like an exhalation.
- Extract from : « A Woman of Genius » by Mary Austin
- That he should put a false construction upon what was found was the least of his misdoing.
- Extract from : « The Messenger » by Elizabeth Robins
- When Aunt Maria made her next visit they told her the story of their misdoing.
- Extract from : « Holiday Stories for Young People » by Various
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019