Synonyms for jerry-built
Grammar : Adj |
Spell : jer-ee-bilt |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈdʒɛr iˌbɪlt |
Top 10 synonyms for jerry-built Other synonyms for the word jerry-built
Définition of jerry-built
Origin :- 1869, in which jerry has a sense of "bad, defective," probably a pejorative use of the male nickname Jerry (a popular form of Jeremy; cf. Jerry-sneak, mid-19c., "sneaking fellow, a hen-pecked husband" [OED]). Or from or influenced by nautical slang jury "temporary," which came to be used of all sorts of makeshift and inferior objects (see jury (adj.)).
- adj flimsy
- Why shouldn't creeds totter when they are jerry-built creeds?
- Extract from : « This Simian World » by Clarence Day
- The house was new but jerry-built, reeked of drains, and swarmed with vermin.
- Extract from : « From Paris to New York by Land » by Harry de Windt
- I should say it was built on contract, and jerry-built at that.
- Extract from : « Windows (Fifth Series Plays) » by John Galsworthy
- From her way of saying it, you would have supposed it had been jerry-built last week.
- Extract from : « The Retrospect » by Ada Cambridge
- It was, I perceive, a jerry-built scheme, run up at short notice.
- Extract from : « The Secret Places of the Heart » by H. G. Wells
- The expression “jerry-built” is applied to houses built badly and of inferior materials, and run up by a speculative builder.
- Extract from : « Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 15, Slice 3 » by Various
- See the finest position in the neighbourhood occupied by a jerry-built Moorish nightmare?
- Extract from : « The Brass Bottle » by F. Anstey
- As the comedian in the piece remarked—and it is the only phrase you carry away—Jericho must have been jerry-built.
- Extract from : « Ainslee's magazine, Volume 16, No. 2, September, 1905 » by Various
- Jerry-built shanties with rattletrap aircars grounded around them.
- Extract from : « The Cosmic Computer » by Henry Beam Piper
- A work of beauty which cannot stand an intimate examination is a poor and jerry-built thing.
- Extract from : « Sword Blades and Poppy Seed » by Amy Lowell
Words or expressions associated with your search
- bodybuilding
- build
- build castles in air
- build on
- build-up
- build up
- build upon
- builder
- builders
- buildings
- buildup
- built
- built-in
- castle-builder
- castle-building
- custom-built
- farm building
- federal building
- in a building
- jerry-build
- jerry built
- jerry-built
- jerrybuild
- jerrybuilded
- jerrybuilt
- justice building
- land and building
- land and buildings
- land buildings
- outbuilding
- re build
- re-build
- re builded
- re-builded
- re-building
- re building
- re buildings
- re-buildings
- re builds
- re-builds
- re-built
- re built
- rebuild
- rebuilt
- well-built
- jerry
- jerry-build
- jerry built
- jerry-rigged
- jerrybuild
- jerrybuilded
- jerrybuilt
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