Synonyms for in tenser
Grammar : Adj |
Spell : in-tens |
Phonetic Transcription : ɪnˈtɛns |
Top 10 synonyms for in tenser Other synonyms for the word in tenser
- ablaze
- absorbed
- absorbing
- abstruse
- acid
- acidulous
- activating
- adherent
- aerial
- affable
- affecting
- afflictive
- aflame
- agile
- agitable
- agitated
- agitating
- aglow
- agog
- agonizing
- airy
- alert
- algid
- alienated
- alight
- alive
- all-consuming
- allegiant
- amorous
- angry
- anguishing
- animal
- animate
- animated
- annoying
- antagonistic
- anxious
- ape
- appetent
- arctic
- ardent
- arduous
- argent
- armed
- aroused
- arrant
- arresting
- ascetic
- assertive
- assiduous
- astringent
- astute
- athirst
- athletic
- attending
- attentive
- august
- auroral
- austere
- avaricious
- avid
- awe-inspiring
- awful
- back-slapping
- backbiting
- bad
- baking
- ball of fire
- banzai
- barbarous
- be out for blood
- beaming
- beamy
- beastly
- begrudging
- below freezing
- below zero
- bent
- benumbed
- big
- biting
- bitter
- blaring
- blasting
- blatant
- blazing
- bleak
- blistery
- bloodthirsty
- blustering
- blustery
- boiling
- boisterous
- bold
- booming
- boreal
- bothersome
- bouncing
- bound
- brave
- breathless
- breezy
- brick-wall
- bright
- brilliant
- brisk
- broiling
- brooding
- brumal
- brutal
- brutish
- bulky
- burning
- burning up
- burnished
- bustling
- busy
- cacophonous
- calamitous
- calculated
- calm
- can-do
- canny
- canorous
- caustic
- chancy
- changeless
- changing
- charismatic
- chastening
- cheerful
- cheery
- chill
- chilled
- chilly
- chipper
- choleric
- chromatic
- circumspect
- clamorous
- clear
- clear-cut
- clever
- clinquant
- close
- coarse
- coercive
- cogent
- cold sober
- collective
- colored
- colorful
- colossal
- combined
- combustible
- coming on strong
- committed
- compelling
- complete
- complex
- complicated
- compulsory
- concentrated
- concentrating
- concerted
- conflagrant
- confused
- consequential
- considerable
- constant
- consuming
- consummate
- continued
- cool
- cordial
- coruscating
- courageous
- covetous
- crabby
- crashing
- crisp
- critical
- cruel
- crushing
- cussed
- cutthroat
- cutting
- damned
- dangerous
- daring
- dashing
- dazzling
- dead set on
- deadly
- deafening
- dear
- death-dealing
- deathly
- decided
- decisive
- dedicated
- deep
- deep-felt
- deepest
- defamatory
- deliberate
- delirious
- demanding
- dependable
- desirous
- desperate
- despiteful
- despotic
- destructive
- detailed
- determined
- devastating
- devoted
- devout
- dexterous
- difficult
- dignified
- diligent
- dire
- dirty
- disagreeable
- disastrous
- discerning
- discriminating
- displeasing
- distasteful
- distinct
- distracted
- distressing
- disturbing
- divided
- domineering
- downbeat
- downright
- draconian
- dramatic
- drastic
- dreadful
- driving
- dulcet
- dying to
- dynamic
- eager
- ear-piercing
- ear-splitting
- earnest
- earsplitting
- ebullient
- ecstatic
- edged
- effective
- effectual
- efficient
- effortful
- effulgent
- effusive
- electric
- elevated
- eloquent
- embittered
- eminent
- emotional
- emphatic
- ending
- enduring
- energetic
- energizing
- engaged
- engrossed
- engrossing
- enlivened
- enormous
- enraged
- enterprising
- enthused
- enthusiastic
- entire
- equable
- erotic
- established
- estranged
- eventful
- evil
- exacting
- exaggerated
- exceptional
- excessive
- excitable
- excited
- exciting
- exclusive
- excruciating
- exhausting
- explicit
- expressive
- exquisite
- extensive
- extraordinary
- extravagant
- extreme
- extremely enthusiastic
- exuberant
- faithful
- falling all over oneself
- fanatical
- fantastic
- fast
- fatal
- fearful
- febrific
- febrile
- fell
- feral
- ferocious
- fervent
- fervid
- fevered
- feverish
- fierce
- fiery
- filled
- fine
- fireball
- fired up
- firm
- fixed
- flamboyant
- flaming
- flaring
- flashing
- flashy
- flickering
- flipped
- florid
- flourishing
- flushed
- fond of
- forbidding
- forceful
- forcible
- formidable
- forte
- frank
- frantic
- fraught
- freezing
- frenzied
- fresh
- friendly
- frightening
- frightful
- frigid
- frisky
- frore
- frosty
- frozen
- fulgent
- fulgid
- full
- full-mouthed
- fulminating
- fuming
- funereal
- furious
- gale force
- galling
- garish
- gaudy
- gay
- gelid
- generous
- genial
- genuine
- gigantic
- glacial
- glad
- glaring
- gleaming
- glistening
- glittering
- glitzy
- glossy
- glowing
- glum
- go great guns
- go-ahead
- go-getter
- go-getting
- godly
- golden
- goody two-shoes
- goody-goody
- gotta have
- grand
- graphic
- grasping
- grave
- great
- greedy
- grievous
- grim
- grinding
- gross
- grueling
- gung ho
- gung-ho
- gushing
- gusty
- gutsy
- hale
- handful
- hard
- hard-driving
- hard-nosed
- hard-working
- hardy
- harmful
- harrowing
- harsh
- hateful
- have goose bumps
- hawkish
- hazardous
- headlong
- healthy
- heart-and-soul
- heartbreaking
- heartfelt
- heartrending
- hearty
- heated
- heavy
- hectic
- hefty
- heightened
- hell-bent
- heroic
- hiemal
- high
- high-powered
- high-pressure
- high-sounding
- high-spirited
- highest
- highpowered
- holy
- honed
- honest
- hopped up
- horny
- horrible
- horrid
- hot
- hot for
- hot-blooded
- hot-headed
- hot-tempered
- hotblooded
- howling
- hued
- huge
- hungry
- hurtful
- hyped-up
- hyper
- hyperborean
- hysterical
- icebox
- iced
- icy
- igneous
- ignited
- ill-tempered
- illuminated
- illumined
- illustrious
- imbued
- immense
- immersed
- immobile
- immoderate
- immovable
- impassioned
- impatient
- imperial
- imperturbable
- impetuous
- implacable
- important
- imposing
- impressive
- impulsive
- in flames
- incandescent
- incensed
- incisive
- inclement
- independent
- indignant
- industrious
- inexorable
- inflamed
- inflexible
- influential
- infuriated
- ingenious
- injurious
- inordinate
- insatiable
- insightful
- inspired
- inspiring
- insufferable
- intelligent
- intemperate
- intense
- intensified
- intensive
- intent
- interested
- intolerable
- intuitive
- inventive
- irascible
- irate
- ireful
- iron-willed
- irradiant
- irradiated
- irreconcilable
- irresistible
- irritable
- jazzy
- joined
- jolly
- jovial
- judicious
- jumping
- kaleidoscopic
- keen
- keyed up
- killing
- knotty
- labored
- laborious
- laden
- lambent
- large
- last
- lavish
- lethal
- levelheaded
- liege
- light
- lighted
- limpid
- lively
- lock stock and barrel
- lofty
- loud
- loud-voiced
- lousy
- lovey-dovey
- loyal
- lucent
- luminous
- lustful
- lustrous
- lusty
- luxurious
- mad
- madcap
- magnetic
- magnificent
- majestic
- malevolent
- malicious
- malign
- malignant
- marked
- massive
- matter of life and death
- maximal
- maximum
- mean
- mean business
- mellifluous
- mellow
- melodramatic
- merciless
- mettlesome
- mighty
- militant
- minding
- minute
- mirrorlike
- momentous
- monstrous
- monumental
- moody
- moonlit
- mordant
- morose
- mortal
- mortiferous
- motley
- moving
- multicolored
- murderous
- mushy
- neighborly
- never-failing
- nimble
- nipping
- nippy
- no fooling
- no-nonsense
- noble
- notable
- noxious
- numbed
- numbing
- nutty
- obdurate
- observant
- obstinate
- obstreperous
- occupied
- offensive
- on fire
- on the make
- on the move
- one-dog night
- onerous
- oppressive
- ornery
- orthodox
- out-and-out
- outrageous
- outright
- outstanding
- overbearing
- overemotional
- overwhelming
- painful
- paramount
- passionate
- pat
- pathetic
- pealing
- penetrating
- pensive
- peppery
- peppy
- perceptive
- perfect
- perfervid
- perilous
- perky
- permeated
- persevering
- persistent
- perspicacious
- persuasive
- perturbing
- pervaded
- pesky
- pestilent
- pestilential
- phosphorescent
- picturesque
- piercing
- pietistic
- pious
- piquant
- piteous
- pitiful
- pitiless
- play for keeps
- play hard ball
- playing hard ball
- plucky
- poignant
- pointed
- poised
- poisonous
- polar
- polished
- portentous
- positive
- potent
- powerful
- prayerful
- precipitate
- preeminent
- preoccupied
- prime
- primitive
- prismatic
- proactive
- prodigious
- productive
- profound
- profuse
- progressive
- pronounced
- protracted
- provoking
- psychedelic
- puissant
- pungent
- punishing
- purposeful
- purposive
- pushing
- pushy
- pyretic
- quick
- quick-witted
- quickened
- rabid
- racking
- radiant
- raging
- rambunctious
- rampageous
- rancorous
- rank
- rapacious
- rapid
- rapt
- raucous
- ravenous
- raving
- raw
- razor-sharp
- razzle-dazzle
- ready
- real
- recondite
- red-blooded
- red-hot
- reflective
- refulgent
- regular
- relentless
- reliable
- religious
- relucent
- remarkable
- remorseless
- rending
- renowned
- resentful
- reserved
- resilient
- resolute
- resolved
- resonant
- resounding
- resourceful
- resplendent
- responsive
- restless
- reverent
- revering
- rich
- rigid
- rigorous
- rimy
- ringing
- risky
- riveted
- roaring
- roasting
- robust
- romantic
- rotund
- rough
- rousing
- rowdy
- ruddy
- rugged
- ruinous
- ruthless
- sad
- sagacious
- salient
- salty
- sardonic
- satirical
- saturated
- savage
- scalding
- scintillating
- scorching
- scrupulous
- searing
- sedate
- self-assertive
- self-possessed
- sensible
- sensitive
- sententious
- sentimental
- serene
- serious
- serious-minded
- set
- set in stone
- settled
- severe
- sexy
- sharp
- sheer
- shimmering
- shining
- shiny
- shivery
- shooting
- showy
- shrill
- Siberian
- significant
- silvery
- simple
- sincere
- single
- single-minded
- sizzling
- skyscraping
- slanderous
- sleety
- smart
- snappy
- snowy
- soaring
- sober
- solemn
- solid
- somber
- sonorous
- sore
- sorrowful
- sound
- sour
- sovereign
- spanking
- sparkling
- spiring
- spirited
- spiteful
- splashy
- splendid
- sprightly
- spry
- squally
- stabbing
- stable
- staid
- stalwart
- starry-eyed
- stately
- staunch
- steadfast
- steady
- steamed up
- steamroller
- steamy
- stentorian
- stern
- stimulated
- stinging
- stirring
- storming
- stormy
- straight-out
- strained
- strapping
- strenuous
- strict
- strident
- striking
- stringent
- strong
- strong as an ox
- strong-willed
- struggling
- stubborn
- stupendous
- sturdy
- sublime
- subtle
- suffering
- suffused
- sullen
- sultry
- sumptuous
- sunlit
- sunny
- superb
- superior
- supreme
- sure
- surpassing
- sweltering
- take charge
- take-charge
- take-over
- tall
- tart
- taxing
- te
- tearing
- telelogical
- telling
- temperamental
- tempestuous
- tenacious
- tender
- terminal
- terrible
- thirsty
- thorough
- thoroughgoing
- thoughtful
- threatening
- thrilling
- thundering
- tigerish
- tinged
- tinted
- titanic
- to the point
- toilsome
- top
- tormenting
- torrid
- tortuous
- torturesome
- torturing
- torturous
- touching
- touchy
- tough
- towering
- towery
- transcendent
- treacherous
- tremendous
- trenchant
- tried-and-true
- troublous
- truculent
- true
- true-blue
- trying
- tumultous/tumultuous
- tumultuous
- turbulent
- turned up
- twinkling
- two-dog night
- tyrannical
- ugly
- ultimate
- unabated
- unabridged
- unadulterated
- unalleviated
- unanimous
- unbearable
- unbending
- unblunted
- unbridled
- unbroken
- uncivilized
- uncompromising
- unconscionable
- uncontrollable
- uncontrolled
- uncut
- undeviating
- undiluted
- undistracted
- undue
- unendurable
- unequivocal
- unfaltering
- unfeigned
- unflagging
- unflappable
- unflinching
- ungodly
- ungovernable
- unhealthy
- unholy
- united
- unmatchable
- unmeasurable
- unmixed
- unmovable
- unpalatable
- unpleasant
- unqualified
- unquestioning
- unrelenting
- unrelieved
- unreserved
- unrestrained
- unshakable
- unshaken
- unsound
- unsparing
- unswerving
- untamed
- untiring
- unwavering
- unyielding
- uproarious
- upsetting
- utmost
- utter
- uttermost
- valid
- variegated
- vast
- vehement
- venerating
- venomous
- vexatious
- vibrant
- vicious
- vigilant
- vigorous
- vindictive
- violent
- virulent
- vital
- vitalizing
- vitriolic
- vivacious
- vivid
- vociferous
- voracious
- wakes the dead
- warm
- warmhearted
- watchful
- watching
- weighty
- well-defined
- well-done
- white-hot
- whiz
- wholehearted
- wicked
- wild
- wild about
- windy
- wintry
- with chip on shoulder
- woeful
- worked up
- worshiping
- wrapped up
- wrathful
- zealous
- zippy
Définition of in tenser
Origin :- c.1400, from Middle French intense (13c.), from Latin intensus "stretched, strained, tight," originally past participle of intendere "to stretch out, strain" (see intend); thus, literally, "high-strung." Related: Intensely.
- As in impressive : adj powerful, influential
- As in incandescent : adj glowing
- As in intense : adj forceful, severe; passionate
- As in intent : adj determined, resolute
- As in keen : adj enthusiastic
- As in keen : adj sharp, piercing
- As in ardent : adj very enthusiastic
- As in loud : adj blaring, noisy
- As in mighty : adj gigantic, monumental
- As in mortal : adj deadly
- As in passionate : adj excited; enthusiastic
- As in poignant : adj affecting, painful
- As in avid : adj enthusiastic
- As in purposeful : adj resolved to do something
- As in bad : adj severe
- As in rich : adj full in color or sound
- As in severe : adj difficult, harsh
- As in sharp : adj sudden
- As in solemn : adj quiet, serious
- As in steadfast : adj loyal, steady
- As in steady : adj balanced, faithful in mind
- As in strong : adj determined, resolute
- As in strong : adj extreme
- As in tempestuous : adj wild, stormy
- As in torrid : adj sensuous
- As in towering : adj huge, excessive
- As in trenchant : adj sarcastic, scathing
- As in undivided : adj whole
- As in unmitigated : adj absolute, pure
- As in unwavering : adj consistent, unchanging
- As in vehement : adj passionate, opinionated
- As in vicious : adj nasty, hateful
- As in vigorous : adj energetic, powerful
- As in violent : adj severe, extreme
- As in warm : adj enthusiastic
- As in wicked : adj destructive, troublesome
- As in charged : adj loaded
- As in consuming : adj absorbing
- As in bitter : adj hostile, nasty
- As in bitter : adj painful, distressing
- As in fervent : adj enthusiastic
- As in bright : adj shining, glowing in appearance
- As in bright : adj vivid in color
- As in brilliant : adj shining, glowing in appearance
- As in overpowering : adj very strong
- As in red-hot : adj raging
- As in burning : adj fervent, excited
- As in hot and heavy : adj in an intense manner
- As in active : adj very involved in activity
- As in blistering : adj hot
- As in fevered : adj feverish
- As in heightened : adj heavy
- As in acute : adj deeply perceptive
- As in irradiant : adj bright
- As in lucent : adj bright
- As in probing : adj acute
- As in roaring : adj loud
- As in shivery : adj cold
- As in tormenting : adj very painful
- As in cold : adj chilly, freezing
- As in colorful : adj brilliant, intensely hued
- As in ablaze : adj very excited
- As in deathly : adj fatal
- As in devout : adj sincerely believing; devoted
- As in agonizing : adj difficult and painful, suffering
- As in dynamic : adj active, vital
- As in almighty : adj severe
- As in excruciating : adj torturous, painful
- As in extreme : adj very great
- As in fervent/fervid : adj enthusiastic, excited
- As in fierce : adj violent, menacing
- As in fiery : adj passionate; on fire
- As in flaming : adj very angry, vehement
- As in forcible : adj powerful, aggressive
- As in furious : adj stormy, turbulent
- As in gay : adj colorful, vivid
- As in gung ho : adj full of enthusiasm
- As in hearty : adj energetic, enthusiastic
- As in heated : adj angry
- As in hot : adj passionate, vehement
- As in impassioned : adj excited, vehement
Antonyms for in tenser
- abeyant
- aboveboard
- advantageous
- afraid
- agitated
- agreeable
- aiding
- aimless
- aloof
- amateur
- amenable
- animal
- animated
- apathetic
- arctic
- ardent
- assisting
- bearable
- beginning
- beneficial
- benevolent
- benign
- black
- blah
- bland
- blooming
- blossoming
- blunt
- boring
- broken
- calm
- changeable
- changing
- cheerful
- close
- cloudy
- cold
- cold-blooded
- colorless
- common
- commonplace
- complacent
- compromising
- content
- cool
- cooled
- cowardly
- dark
- decent
- delicate
- delightful
- dense
- depleted
- depressed
- depressing
- dim
- discontinuous
- discouraged
- dishonest
- disinterested
- disloyal
- dispassionate
- dispirited
- distracted
- divided
- doleful
- dormant
- drab
- dreary
- dull
- dulled
- dusky
- dwarfed
- eager
- easy
- easy-going
- elated
- emotionless
- empty
- endurable
- enervated
- enthusiastic
- excited
- exhilarated
- facile
- faded
- false
- feeble
- fervid
- flat
- flexible
- forgiving
- forthright
- fragile
- frank
- freezing
- friendly
- frigid
- frivolous
- frozen
- fruitless
- full
- funny
- genial
- gentle
- gleeful
- gloomy
- good
- happy
- harmless
- healthful
- healthy
- heated
- helpful
- helping
- helpless
- honest
- horrible
- hot
- idiotic
- idle
- ignorant
- imbalanced
- immobile
- immortal
- impassive
- imperceptive
- imperfect
- impotent
- impoverished
- inactive
- inaudible
- incapable
- inconsequential
- inconsistent
- indefinite
- indifferent
- indistinct
- ineffective
- inert
- inferior
- infirm
- inhuman
- initial
- inoffensive
- insensitive
- insignificant
- insincere
- interested
- intermittent
- invigorating
- irreligious
- irresolute
- irresponsible
- joyful
- just
- kind
- laid-back
- laughing
- lay
- lazy
- least
- lethargic
- life-giving
- lifegiving
- lifeless
- light
- limited
- little
- lively
- loose
- loving
- low
- low-key
- lowest
- lowly
- lukewarm
- meek
- mild
- miniature
- minor
- minute
- mistakable
- mixed
- moderate
- modest
- moral
- murky
- near
- needy
- nice
- nonaggressive
- nonviolent
- normal
- not serious
- numb
- obscure
- obtuse
- OK
- old
- old-fashioned
- ordinary
- out
- pale
- partial
- passive
- pastel
- peaceful
- permanent
- plain
- plant
- pleasant
- pleased
- pleasing
- pliable
- pliant
- pointless
- poor
- powerless
- profitable
- quenched
- quiescent
- quiet
- refreshing
- reluctant
- reputable
- responsive
- restrained
- right
- sad
- satisfied
- separate
- serious
- shallow
- short
- shy
- silent
- simple
- slack
- slow
- sluggish
- small
- soft
- somber
- soothing
- starting
- strengthening
- stupid
- subdued
- superficial
- sweet
- sympathetic
- tame
- tasteful
- tasteless
- teeny
- temperate
- tender
- thoughtful
- thoughtless
- threatening
- tiny
- trivial
- true
- turned off
- typical
- unaffecting
- unaware
- unbelieving
- uncaring
- uncolored
- uncolorful
- unconcerned
- undecayed
- undecided
- undefined
- undetermined
- uneducated
- unemotional
- unenthusiastic
- unexcited
- unexciting
- unfaithful
- unfeeling
- unfixed
- unfriendly
- unhappy
- unhealthy
- unimportant
- unimposing
- unimpressive
- unintelligent
- uninterested
- uninteresting
- unkind
- unmoving
- unpassionate
- unplanned
- unpopular
- unpowerful
- unproductive
- unpromising
- unreal
- unreliable
- unremarkable
- unsacred
- unsensual
- unstable
- unsteady
- unstylish
- unthoughtful
- unthreatening
- untrustworthy
- upright
- upset
- useful
- usual
- vague
- varying
- virtuous
- wanting
- wanton
- warm
- wavering
- weak
- willing
- wobbly
- wonderful
- worried
- worthwhile
- worthy
- yielding
- zealous
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019