Synonyms for in sipid
Grammar : Adj |
Spell : in-sip-id |
Phonetic Transcription : ɪnˈsɪp ɪd |
Top 10 synonyms for in sipid Other synonyms for the word in sipid
- abominable
- absurd
- abused
- acid
- adulterated
- affected
- afflictive
- aimless
- amiable
- anemic
- anesthetized
- antiquated
- apathetic
- aqueous
- archaic
- arid
- asinine
- awkward
- banal
- banausic
- barren
- bathetic
- befuddled
- beige
- bent
- big yawn
- big zero
- bitter
- blah
- blind
- boiled down
- bomb
- boring
- bromidic
- bummer
- bush-league
- callous
- characterless
- cheap
- childish
- clement
- cliché
- cliché-ridden
- clichéd
- cloying
- clumsy
- cold
- colorless
- common
- commonplace
- compassionate
- complaisant
- confused
- conventional
- cornball
- cornfed
- cowardly
- daft
- dead
- deadened
- deadpan
- deferential
- demonstrative
- depressing
- detestable
- devoid
- dewy-eyed
- dilute
- diluted
- dim
- dime a dozen
- dinky
- disagreeable
- disgusting
- dishonest
- dislikable
- dismal
- displeasing
- distasteful
- docile
- doused
- drab
- drag
- dragging
- draggy
- dreamy
- drear
- dreary
- dried
- drippy
- driveling
- drudging
- dry
- dull
- dull as dishwater
- dumb
- dusty
- easy
- effete
- effusive
- empty
- endless
- enervated
- enervating
- equable
- everyday
- exhausting
- expressionless
- faded
- familiar
- fatiguing
- fatuous
- feeble
- fetid
- flat
- flat tire
- flavorless
- fluid
- foolish
- forbearant
- forbearing
- forget it
- forgiving
- frigid
- frivolous
- fusty
- futile
- galling
- garden-variety
- gauche
- gentle
- glazed
- good-humored
- good-natured
- good-tempered
- grievous
- grody
- gross
- gushing
- gushy
- hackneyed
- halfhearted
- hard
- harebrained
- hateful
- heavy
- ho hum
- ho-hum
- hoary
- hokey
- hollow
- humane
- humdrum
- humid
- icky
- idealistic
- idiotic
- idle
- idling
- ignorant
- ill-adapted
- ill-fitted
- ill-suited
- illogical
- imbecilic
- impassive
- impressionable
- improper
- inadept
- inane
- inapposite
- inappropriate
- incompetent
- incongruous
- inconsequential
- inconsiderable
- indecisive
- indulgent
- ineffective
- ineffectual
- inelaborate
- inept
- inert
- inexperienced
- inexpert
- inexpressive
- infelicitous
- innocent
- innocuous
- innoxious
- inobnoxious
- inoffensive
- insensitive
- insincere
- insipid
- interminable
- irksome
- irresolute
- jejune
- juvenile
- kind
- laborious
- lachrymose
- lackluster
- languid
- languishing
- laughable
- lead balloon
- least
- lenient
- lethargic
- lifeless
- like a dinosaur
- limp
- listless
- loathsome
- loitering
- long-drawn-out
- longwinded
- lousy
- lovey-dovey
- loving
- lukewarm
- lusterless
- maladroit
- malapropos
- malodorous
- marshy
- matte
- matter-of-fact
- maudlin
- mawkish
- meager
- meaningless
- measly
- mediocre
- meek
- mellow
- merciful
- mild
- mild-mannered
- milk-and-water
- Milquetoast
- mindless
- minuscule
- moderate
- modest
- moist
- monotone
- monotonous
- moonstruck
- mortal
- moth-eaten
- mundane
- mushy
- musty
- muted
- naked
- namby-pamby
- nasty
- nauseating
- nauseous
- nebbish
- negligible
- nerdy
- niggling
- no big deal
- no big thing
- no good
- noisome
- noplace
- nostalgic
- nothing
- nowhere
- nugatory
- numb
- numbed
- obeisant
- objectionable
- obliging
- obnoxious
- odious
- offensive
- oft-repeated
- old hat
- ordinary
- otiose
- out
- out-of-date
- overacted
- overemotiona
- overemotional
- pabulum
- pacific
- painful
- painless
- pale
- paltry
- paralyzed
- parched
- passé
- passionate
- passive
- past
- pathetic
- patient
- peaceable
- pedestrian
- petty
- phlegmatic
- picayune
- piddling
- placid
- plain
- plain vanilla
- platitudinous
- plebeian
- plodding
- pointless
- poky
- prolix
- prosaic
- prosy
- puerile
- puny
- purposeless
- rancid
- rank
- raunchy
- reeking
- repellent
- repetitious
- repetitive
- repugnant
- repulsive
- ridiculous
- romantic
- rosewater
- rough
- routine
- run-of-the-mill
- runny
- saccharine
- sad
- safe
- sapless
- sappy
- savorless
- schmaltzy
- senseless
- sentimental
- serene
- serous
- shady
- shallow
- sharp
- shifty
- shopworn
- silly
- simpering
- simple
- slight
- sloppy
- slothful
- slow
- sluggish
- slush
- slushy
- small
- smelly
- smooth
- snooze
- soap
- soapy
- sobby
- sodden
- soft
- softhearted
- soggy
- somber
- soporific
- soppy
- sour
- spent
- spiritless
- spoiled
- square
- stagnant
- stale
- static
- stenchy
- stereotyped
- sterile
- stiff
- still
- stinking
- stinky
- stock
- stodgy
- stuffy
- stupid
- subdued
- subfuscous
- submissive
- subservient
- sugary
- sweet
- syrupy
- tame
- tart
- tasteless
- tear-jerking
- tearful
- tedious
- temperate
- tender
- tenuous
- thin
- threadbare
- timeworn
- tiny
- tired
- tiresome
- tiring
- toneless
- torpid
- touching
- tough
- tranquil
- treadmill
- trifling
- tripe
- trite
- trivial
- ugly
- unable
- unanimated
- unappealing
- unappetizing
- unassuming
- unattractive
- unbeauteous
- undesirable
- undexterous
- unenjoyable
- unentertaining
- unexciting
- unfacile
- unfeeling
- unfit
- unhandy
- unimaginative
- unimportant
- uninspired
- uninspiring
- unintelligent
- uninteresting
- uninviting
- unlikable
- unmeet
- unmemorable
- unobjectionable
- unoffending
- unoriginal
- unpalatable
- unpassioned
- unpleasant
- unpleasurable
- unproficient
- unreal
- unresponsive
- unsatisfactory
- unsavory
- unseasoned
- unskilled
- unstimulating
- unsubstantial
- unsuitable
- unsuited
- untimely
- untrained
- unvaried
- usual
- usual thing
- vacant
- vacillating
- vacuous
- vain
- valueless
- vanilla
- vapid
- visionary
- warm
- washed
- washy
- water-logged
- watered-down
- waterish
- waterlike
- watery
- wavering
- weak
- weak-kneed
- weariful
- wearisome
- weary
- weepy
- well-worn
- wet
- white-bread
- whitebread
- wimpy
- wishy-washy
- without punch
- without spice
- wooden
- worn-out
- worthless
- wrong
- yesterday's
- yicky
- yucky
- zero
- zestless
Définition of in sipid
Origin :- 1610s, "without taste or perceptible flavor," from French insipide (16c.), from Late Latin inspidus "tasteless," from Latin in- "not" (see in- (1)) + sapidus "tasty," from sapere "have a taste" (also "be wise;" see sapient). Figurative meaning "uninteresting, dull" first recorded 1640s, but it was also a secondary sense in Medieval Latin.
- In ye coach ... went Mrs. Barlow, the King's mistress and mother to ye Duke of Monmouth, a browne, beautifull, bold, but insipid creature. [John Evelyn, diary, Aug. 18, 1649]
- Related: Insipidly.
- As in inane : adj stupid
- As in inapt : adj incompetent; not suitable
- As in innocuous : adj harmless
- As in insipid : adj dull, uninteresting
- As in insipid : adj tasteless
- As in arid : adj uninterested, spiritless
- As in lifeless : adj dull, spiritless
- As in maudlin : adj teary, overemotional
- As in mild : adj easygoing, pleasant in personality
- As in banal : adj commonplace
- As in sentimental : adj emotional, romantic
- As in stale : adj old, decayed
- As in stale : adj overused, out-of-date
- As in tame : adj dull, uninteresting
- As in tasteless : adj without flavor
- As in tedious : adj dull, monotonous
- As in trifling : adj insignificant, worthless
- As in unappetizing : adj distasteful
- As in uninteresting : adj boring, uneventful
- As in unsavory : adj revolting, sickening
- As in vapid : adj flat, dull
- As in watery : adj liquid, diluted
- As in weak : adj watered-down
- As in wishy-washy : adj bland, dull
- As in bland : adj tasteless; undistinctive
- As in boring : adj uninteresting
- As in jejune : adj immature
- As in unappealing : adj not appealing
- As in gushy : adj sentimental
- As in schmaltzy : adj sentimental
- As in slushy : adj sentimental
- As in sobby : adj sentimental
- As in soppy : adj sentimental
- As in soupy : adj sentimental
- As in tear-jerking : adj sentimental
- As in weariful : adj boring
- As in colorless : adj unlively, uninteresting
- As in dead : adj indifferent, cold
- As in distasteful : adj repulsive, unpleasant
- As in dry : adj dull, uninteresting
- As in dull : adj boring, uninteresting
- As in empty : adj fruitless, ineffective
- As in amateurish : adj unprofessional
- As in flat : adj dull, lackluster to the senses
- As in humdrum : adj boring, uneventful
Antonyms for in sipid
- able
- abnormal
- abundant
- active
- agitated
- agreeable
- alert
- alive
- animate
- animated
- appealing
- appetizing
- apt
- attractive
- bad
- being
- big
- bitter
- blase
- bold
- brave
- bright
- brilliant
- broken
- bubbly
- busy
- calm
- capable
- caustic
- clear
- cold
- colored
- colorful
- competent
- complete
- concentrated
- confident
- continuing
- cool
- copious
- couth
- current
- damaging
- damp
- dehydrated
- delectable
- delicious
- delightful
- destructive
- dexterous
- different
- distinctive
- dripping
- dry
- dynamic
- easy
- effective
- effervescent
- elevated
- enduring
- energetic
- entertaining
- entire
- eventful
- exceptional
- excessive
- excited
- exciting
- exhilarating
- existent
- existing
- extraordinary
- facile
- fascinating
- fierce
- filled
- firm
- fit
- flappable
- flavorful
- fresh
- friendly
- fruitful
- full
- good
- great
- guarded
- happy
- hard
- hard-hearted
- harmful
- harsh
- huge
- humid
- hurtful
- immoderate
- important
- incomplete
- indefinite
- indifferent
- infrequent
- injurious
- intelligent
- intense
- interested
- interesting
- juicy
- keen
- kind
- knifelike
- large
- light
- live
- lively
- living
- loud
- luminous
- lustrous
- major
- matter-of-fact
- mature
- meaningful
- moist
- moral
- motley
- nervous
- new
- nice
- noisy
- operative
- original
- palatable
- pleasant
- pleasing
- pointed
- potent
- pragmatic
- productive
- protected
- pungent
- quick
- raised
- rare
- replete
- responsive
- rich
- rough
- rounded
- roused
- rugged
- safe
- sated
- satisfied
- savory
- secure
- sensitive
- serious
- serrated
- severe
- sharp
- significant
- skillful
- smart
- soaked
- soggy
- solid
- spicy
- spirited
- stimulating
- stormy
- strong
- subsisting
- sufficient
- suitable
- suited
- tasteful
- tasty
- thick
- turbulent
- uncaring
- uncommon
- uncontrolled
- underused
- unemotional
- uneven
- unfeeling
- unfinished
- unfriendly
- ungracious
- unimaginative
- unkind
- unmanageable
- unromantic
- unsentimental
- untamed
- untiring
- unusual
- useful
- valuable
- vibrant
- violent
- vivacious
- vivid
- warm
- watery
- wet
- wild
- witty
- wonderful
- working
- worthwhile
- yummy
- zingy
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019