Synonyms for in sinuating
Grammar : Adj, verb |
Spell : in-sin-yoo-ey-ting |
Phonetic Transcription : ɪnˈsɪn yuˌeɪ tɪŋ |
Top 10 synonyms for in sinuating Other synonyms for the word in sinuating
- access
- accredit
- accurate
- accuse
- acid
- acquaint
- actuate
- acute
- add
- add fuel
- add up
- adduce
- admit
- adumbrate
- advert
- air
- allude
- angle
- annex
- announce
- append
- apprise
- approach unnoticed
- argue
- arrest
- asseverate
- assign
- associate
- assume
- aver
- avouch
- babble
- bad-mouth
- barge in
- base
- bayonet
- be a sign of
- be apprehensive of
- be curious
- be dubious
- be in a quandary
- be puzzled
- be suggestive of
- be uncertain
- be undetermined
- bear
- bend an ear
- bend one's ear
- bespeak
- betoken
- bewitching
- blab
- blacken
- blame
- bland
- blather
- blemish
- blether
- blister
- blot
- blow in
- blow off
- boiled down
- bore
- bother
- brainwash
- brand
- break
- break in
- break off
- break train of thought
- breathe
- breeze in
- bring about
- bring up
- broach
- burst in
- bust in
- butt in
- buzz
- cajoling
- call in question
- calling a spade a spade
- calumniate
- cap
- carry
- catechize
- censure
- challenge
- charge
- charming
- chat
- chatter
- check
- chime in
- chisel in
- chop
- circulate
- cite
- civil
- coax
- coaxing
- come
- come between
- come in
- communicate
- complaisant
- compliant
- compromise
- concern
- confess
- confide
- connect
- connote
- convey
- convey the impression
- convincing
- couch
- courteous
- crack
- crack to
- crash
- crawl
- crawl on all fours
- crawling
- create the impression
- credit
- creep
- cross the mind
- crowd in
- cue
- curry favor
- cut
- cut in
- cut in on
- cut off
- cut short
- cut to pieces
- cut to the quick
- cut up
- cutting
- cynical
- declare
- defame
- defer
- deferential
- delay
- demur
- denigrate
- denote
- depict
- deputize
- designate
- detract
- diffuse
- disarming
- disbelieve
- disclose
- disconnect
- discontinue
- discredit
- disgrace
- dish
- disjoin
- disparaging
- dispute
- disseminate
- distrust
- disturb
- disunite
- divide
- divulge
- drag in
- drill
- drive
- drive in
- drop
- drop a hint
- drop in
- dump on
- duteous
- dutiful
- eat through
- edge
- edge in
- egg on
- embed
- embody
- embroil
- encourage
- encroach
- engender
- engraft
- entail
- entangle
- enter
- entrench
- enunciate
- evidence
- evince
- evocative
- evocatory
- evoke
- exhibit
- expose
- express
- expressive
- fall into
- fear
- fill in
- filter in
- filter through
- finger
- fire up
- fish
- flash
- flattering
- flit
- fluctuate
- foist
- foment
- force
- force in
- foreshadow
- formulate
- frame
- freight
- fulsome
- gain entrée
- get in
- get in the way
- get in with
- give
- give a black eye
- give a hint
- give an inkling
- give no credence
- give the feeling of
- give the idea of
- giving an inkling
- glib
- glide
- go beyond
- go in
- go stealthily
- go through
- goad
- gore
- gossip
- grovel
- gumshoe
- gushing
- halt
- hang sign on
- hang something on
- harbor suspicion
- have one's doubts
- have qualms
- have the appearance of
- have the aspects of
- have the earmarks of
- have the features of
- have the qualities of
- heckle
- hesitate
- hinder
- hint
- hint at
- hiss
- hit where one lives
- hold up
- horn in
- humble
- hurtful
- hypocritical
- imagine
- imbed
- imbue
- immigrate
- impale
- impart
- impede
- impel
- implant
- imply
- import
- impregnate
- impress
- impugn
- impute
- in
- in a nutshell
- inch
- incisive
- incite
- include
- incriminate
- inculcate
- inculpate
- indicate
- indicative
- indict
- indoctrinate
- infer
- infiltrate
- infix
- inflame
- inform
- infringe
- infuse
- ingrain
- ingratiate
- ingratiating
- ingratiatory
- ingress
- initiate
- inject
- inlay
- inlet
- inoculate
- inseminate
- insert
- inset
- insinuate
- insinuating
- insinuative
- insinuatory
- inspire
- instill
- intend
- intercalate
- interfere
- interjaculate
- interject
- interlope
- intermeddle
- intermix
- interpolate
- interpose
- intersperse
- intimate
- intriguing
- introduce
- intrude
- invade
- inveigling
- involve
- irresistible
- jab
- jaw
- jog memory
- jump in
- keen
- kick in the teeth
- kindle
- knife
- laid on the line
- lay
- lay aside
- lay at one's door
- lay it on
- lay the gaff
- lead to believe
- leak
- legit
- let cat out of bag
- let in on
- let it be known
- let out of bag
- libel
- likable
- link
- look
- look as if
- look like
- look to be
- lug in
- lurk
- make
- make a hole
- make a show of
- make an entrance
- make known
- make noise
- make waves
- make way
- malicious
- malign
- manifest
- mark
- matter
- mean
- meaty
- meddle
- mention
- miff
- mire
- misdoubt
- misgive
- mistrust
- move
- move in
- mumble
- murmur
- muscle in
- mutter
- name
- needle
- noise
- not buy
- obedient
- obeisant
- obsequious
- obstruct
- obtrude
- occur
- offend
- on the button
- on the nose
- overstep
- parenthesize
- pass into
- pass quietly
- pass through
- peg
- penetrate
- percolate
- perforate
- permeate
- persuade
- persuasive
- pertinent
- pervade
- pester
- phrase
- pierce
- pile in
- pin on
- place
- plan
- plausible
- plot
- point
- point finger at
- point in direction of
- point to
- polite
- pop in
- pop off
- portend
- prate
- prattle
- prefigure
- pregnant
- press
- presuppose
- pretend
- prevent
- prick
- probe
- proclaim
- profess
- program
- promise
- prompt
- pronounce
- propagandize
- propose
- prove
- punctuate
- puncture
- purport
- push
- push in
- pussyfoot
- put
- put across
- put down
- put down for
- put finger on
- put flea in ear
- put in
- put in head
- put in mind of
- put into words
- put up to
- query
- question
- rabble-rouse
- raise
- rattle on
- read differently
- ream
- recall
- redolent
- refer
- refer to
- reference
- regardful
- relate
- remind
- remindful
- reminiscent
- repeat
- replace
- report
- represent
- reproach
- resemble
- reveal
- reverential
- right to it
- right-on
- roast
- root
- rouse
- rumor
- run into
- rush in
- saccharine
- sarcastic
- saturate
- say
- say in passing
- say softly
- say under one's breath
- scheme
- schmoose
- scorch
- scornful
- scrabble
- scramble
- scruple
- seductive
- seep
- send
- separate
- servile
- serving
- set
- set foot in
- set on
- sever
- shadow
- sharp
- shilly-shally
- ship
- shoehorn
- short-and-sweet
- shortstop
- shove in
- show
- show every sign of
- sibilate
- sigh
- sign
- significative
- signify
- silken
- silky
- sink into
- skepticize
- skin alive
- skulk
- slander
- slap in the face
- slick
- slide
- slight
- slink
- slip
- slip in
- slither
- smarmy
- smear
- smell a rat
- smooth
- smooth-tongued
- snake
- sneak
- sneak in
- sneering
- snub
- soft
- solicit
- sound
- sound like
- spatter
- speak
- speak confidentially
- spear
- spell
- spill the beans
- spill to
- spiteful
- splice
- spread
- spread rumor
- spring
- spur
- squeeze in
- squirm
- stab
- stain
- stand for
- stand in
- start
- state
- stay
- steal
- steam up
- stick
- stick into
- stigmatize
- stimulate
- stir up
- stop
- strike one as being
- suave
- submissive
- substract
- suffuse
- sugary
- suggest
- suggestive
- supple
- surmise
- suspect
- suspend
- susurrate
- sycophantic
- symbol
- symbolic
- symbolize
- symptomatic
- tab
- tag
- take dim view of
- take the place of
- talk
- talk idly
- talk into someone's ear
- talk low
- tangle
- tart
- tattle
- tear down
- tell
- tell a secret
- tell secrets
- tell tales
- tell tales out of school
- telling
- testify
- throw in
- thrust
- tinge
- tip off
- tip one's hand
- tiptoe
- toadying
- touch on
- traduce
- transfuse
- transport
- trenchant
- trespass
- turn on
- typify
- unctuous
- understudy
- unkind
- unload on
- urge
- utter
- vacillate
- vent
- ventilate
- verbalize
- vilify
- violate
- voice
- warn
- waver
- wedge in
- whip up
- whisper
- wiggle-waggle
- wink
- winning
- wonder
- wonder at
- word
- work in
- work into
- work up
- worm
- worm in
- worm into
- wriggle
- writhe
- zing
Définition of in sinuating
Origin :- 1520s, from Latin insinuatus, past participle of insinuare "to throw in, push in, make a way; creep in, intrude, bring in by windings and curvings, wind one's way into," from in- "in" (see in- (2)) + sinuare "to wind, bend, curve," from sinus "a curve, winding." Sense of "to introduce tortuously or indirectly" is from 1640s. Related: Insinuated; insinuating; insinuatingly.
- As in ingratiating : adj fawning, servile
- As in oily : adj flattering
- As in pointed : adj penetrating, biting
- As in snide : adj hateful, nasty
- As in insinuating : adj provoking doubt
- As in insinuating : adj attempting to gain favor
- As in deferential : adj respectful, considerate
- As in disarming : adj charming
- As in impute : verb attribute
- As in infiltrate : verb creep in
- As in insert : verb put, tuck in
- As in insinuate : verb hint, suggest
- As in insinuate : verb force one's way into
- As in instigate : verb influence, provoke
- As in instill : verb implant, introduce
- As in interject : verb throw in; interrupt
- As in interpolate : verb add
- As in interrupt : verb bother, interfere
- As in intimate : verb suggest; tip off
- As in introduce : verb add, insert
- As in intrude : verb trespass, interrupt
- As in penetrate : verb pierce; get through physically
- As in seem : verb appear; give the impression
- As in signify : verb mean, indicate
- As in slur : verb insult
- As in steal : verb sneak around
- As in suggest : verb imply; bring to mind
- As in whisper : verb speak softly
- As in interlard : verb introduce
- As in misdoubt : verb doubt
- As in tittle-tattle : verb gossip
- As in confide : verb divulge information
- As in connote : verb imply
- As in creep : verb crawl along, usually on ground
- As in denote : verb designate, mean
- As in doubt : verb lack confidence in; question
- As in enter : verb come, put into a place
- As in allude : verb hint at
- As in express : verb articulate; signify, mean
- As in fill in : verb act as substitute
- As in gossip : verb talk about others; spread rumors
- As in hint : verb suggest; indicate
- As in implicate : verb imply, involve
- As in imply : verb indicate, mean
Antonyms for in sinuating
- absolve
- abstain
- advance
- agree
- aid
- allow
- answer
- approve
- arrogant
- assist
- attach
- be certain
- be quiet
- be real
- beautify
- begin
- believe
- blunt
- bottle up
- calm
- calming
- carry on
- cause
- close
- close up
- combine
- commend
- compliment
- conceal
- conclude
- connect
- continue
- couple
- cover
- declare
- defend
- define
- delete
- demand
- deny
- depart
- depress
- despicable
- deter
- deterring
- disconnect
- discourage
- disgusting
- dislodge
- disobedient
- displace
- disprove
- disrespectful
- dissociate
- dissuade
- divide
- dry
- dull
- encourage
- end
- enunciate
- erase
- exalt
- exclude
- exculpate
- exit
- exonerate
- expedite
- explicate
- express
- extract
- facilitate
- finish
- flatter
- forget
- forward
- further
- gentle
- give
- go
- go along
- guard
- halt
- hateful
- help
- hide
- hold
- honor
- ignore
- immodest
- impolite
- inconsiderate
- join
- keep
- kind
- leave
- leave alone
- leave blank
- link
- listen
- lovable
- loving
- mend
- mild
- misconstrue
- misinterpret
- misunderstand
- mumble
- neglect
- nice
- noncompliant
- not question
- order
- pardon
- permit
- please
- praise
- prevent
- promote
- pronounce
- protect
- push
- put out
- receive
- refrain
- refuse
- refute
- reject
- rely
- remain
- remove
- repellent
- repress
- retreat
- rude
- secrete
- separate
- shout
- soothing
- speak clearly
- start
- state
- stay
- stop
- stupid
- subtract
- support
- suppress
- surrender
- take
- take away
- take out
- tell
- trust
- uncivil
- unite
- unmannerly
- unrefined
- uproot
- veto
- withdraw
- withhold
- yield
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019