Synonyms for in distinct
Grammar : Adj |
Spell : in-di-stingkt |
Phonetic Transcription : ˌɪn dɪˈstɪŋkt |
Top 10 synonyms for in distinct Other synonyms for the word in distinct
- abnormal
- abstract
- abstruse
- achromatic
- addled
- adumbral
- airy
- amorphic
- amphibological
- anomalous
- aphotic
- ashen
- aside
- assymetrical
- atramentous
- attenuate
- attenuated
- baggy
- bashful
- bated
- bedraggled
- bemired
- bespattered
- bewildering
- black
- blackish
- blah
- bland
- blatant
- bleached
- blear
- bleared
- bleary
- blind
- blobby
- blurred
- boggy
- borderless
- borderline
- bosky
- breathless
- breathy
- broad
- buttoned up
- buxom
- cacographic
- caked
- caliginous
- camouflaged
- ceiling zero
- chancy
- chaotic
- checked
- chiaroscuro
- chimerical
- cimmerian
- clammed up
- clear as mud
- close
- closed in
- closed up
- closemouthed
- clouded
- colorless
- concealed
- confused
- conjectural
- contingent
- cool
- covered
- crabbed
- cracked
- cramped
- crepuscular
- croaking
- croaky
- croupy
- crude
- cryptic
- curbed
- curvaceous
- curvy
- dark
- darkened
- dazed
- dead
- deadened
- debatable
- deep
- deformed
- delicate
- dense
- detached
- dewy
- dicey
- difficult to read
- diffuse
- digestible
- dim
- dingy
- dirty
- discolored
- disconnected
- discontinuous
- discordant
- discriminating
- disembodied
- disfigured
- disjointed
- dismal
- disordered
- disreputable
- distant
- distorted
- dizzy
- doubtable
- doubtful
- drab
- dreamlike
- dreamy
- dreary
- dry
- dubious
- dubitable
- dull
- dumb
- dummied up
- dun
- dusk
- dusky
- dusty
- embryonic
- emulsified
- enigmatic
- enigmatical
- enveloped
- ephemeral
- equivocal
- erratic
- esoteric
- ethereal
- etiolated
- evanescent
- evasive
- expressionless
- exquisite
- faded
- faint
- faltering
- far-fetched
- far-off
- far-out
- fat chance
- fathomless
- feeble
- filmy
- filthy
- fine
- finespun
- fishy
- fitful
- flat
- fogged in
- foggy
- formless
- foul
- fractional
- fragmentary
- frivolous
- frosty
- frugal
- fuliginous
- fumy
- fuzzy
- gauzy
- general
- generalized
- gentle
- ghostly
- gloomy
- gradual
- grating
- gravelly
- gray
- greasy
- Greek
- grimy
- groggy
- growling
- grubby
- gruff
- gummy
- gunky
- guttural
- hairline
- hairsplitting
- halting
- hanging by a thread
- hard to make out
- hardly any
- hardly enough
- harsh
- having
- hazardous
- hazy
- heavy
- hesitant
- hesitating
- hidden
- hieroglyphic
- hoarse
- hush
- hushed
- husky
- iced
- iffy
- ill-defined
- ill-formed
- ill-lighted
- illegible
- illogical
- illusive
- illusory
- imaginary
- impalpable
- impenetrable
- imperceptible
- implied
- imponderable
- imprecise
- improbable
- impugnable
- impure
- inaccurate
- inadequate
- inappreciable
- inarticulate
- inaudible
- incalculable
- inchoate
- incognizable
- incoherent
- incohesive
- incomprehensible
- inconceivable
- inconclusive
- incongruous
- inconsequential
- inconsiderable
- inconsistent
- inconspicuous
- inconstant
- inconversable
- incorporeal
- incredible
- indecipherable
- indecisive
- indefinite
- indeterminable
- indeterminate
- indirect
- indiscernible
- indistinct
- indistinguishable
- inexact
- inexhaustible
- inexplicable
- inexplicit
- inferred
- infinite
- infinitesimal
- ingenious
- inhibited
- inky
- innumerable
- inscrutable
- insecure
- insensible
- insignificant
- insinuated
- insoluble
- insubstantial
- insufficient
- intangible
- intermediate
- intricate
- invisible
- involved
- irrational
- irregular
- irresolute
- jarring
- jumbled
- lackluster
- laconic
- lax
- leaden
- leafy
- lenient
- lifeless
- light
- lightless
- long shot
- loose
- low
- low-key
- low-pitched
- low-profile
- lowering
- lurid
- lusterless
- malformed
- marshy
- mat
- matte
- maundering
- meaningless
- mental
- microscopic
- mild
- minor
- minuscule
- minute
- miry
- misleading
- misshapen
- misty
- misunderstood
- moderate
- modest
- momentary
- monotone
- monotonous
- mousy
- mucky
- muddled
- muddy
- muffled
- mum
- mumbled
- mumbling
- murky
- murmuring
- mushy
- mute
- muted
- mutilated
- muttered
- muttering
- muzzy
- mysterious
- nebulous
- negligent
- noiseless
- nontranslucent
- nontransparent
- nonvocal
- not clear
- not many
- not much
- not rich
- not shiny
- not talkativ
- not talkative
- nubilous
- obfuscated
- obfuscous
- oblique
- obscure
- obscured
- occult
- on thin ice
- opaque
- open
- orderless
- ordinary
- out of earshot
- out of focus
- out of the sun
- overcast
- padded
- pale
- pallid
- pea-soupy
- pending
- penetrating
- perplexing
- piano
- piercing
- pitch-black
- pitch-dark
- pitchy
- plain
- poor
- poorly lit
- precarious
- problematic
- profound
- puny
- puzzling
- questionable
- quiet
- ragged
- rambling
- random
- raucous
- raw
- rayless
- recondite
- reedy
- refined
- remiss
- remote
- reserved
- restrained
- restricted
- reticent
- retiring
- rimy
- risky
- roiled
- roily
- rough
- rude
- run-down
- scanty
- scratching
- scrawled
- screened
- secretive
- seedy
- shabby
- shaded
- shadowed
- shadowy
- shady
- shapeless
- sheltered
- shoestring
- shopworn
- shrouded
- shy
- silenced
- silent
- silentious
- slight
- sloppy
- slushy
- small
- smazy
- smoggy
- smoky
- smooth
- sneaky
- sober
- socked in
- sodden
- soft
- soft-pedalled
- softened
- soggy
- soiled
- somber
- soothing
- sooty
- sophisticated
- soundless
- soupy
- sparse
- speculative
- speechless
- squawking
- stammering
- steaming
- stertorous
- stifled
- still
- strangled
- strident
- stridulous
- struck dumb
- stuporous
- stuttering
- stygian
- subdued
- subfusc
- subfuse
- subtle
- suggestive
- sullen
- sullied
- sunless
- superficial
- suppressed
- suspect
- suspicious
- swampy
- taciturn
- tacky
- tarnished
- tattered
- tenebrous
- tenuous
- thick
- thin
- threadbare
- throaty
- tiny
- tired
- toned-down
- toneless
- tongue-tied
- touch and go
- touch-and-go
- touchy
- tranced
- trifling
- trivial
- turbid
- umbrageous
- umbral
- umbrous
- unaccented
- unaccountable
- unapparent
- unassuming
- unbelievable
- uncertain
- unclean
- unclear
- uncommunicative
- unconfirmed
- unconnected
- unconspicuous
- uncoordinated
- undecided
- undecipherable
- undefined
- undependable
- under a cloud
- understated
- undetectable
- undetermined
- undeveloped
- uneasy
- unemphatic
- uneven
- unexplicit
- unfathomable
- unfixed
- unfocused
- unforeseeable
- unformed
- ungraceful
- ungraspable
- unheard
- unilluminated
- unimportant
- unintelligible
- unknowable
- unknown
- unlighted
- unlikely
- unlimited
- unlit
- unmade
- unnoticeable
- unobservable
- unobtrusive
- unorganized
- unostentatious
- unperceivable
- unpredictable
- unreadable
- unreliable
- unresolved
- unsettled
- unshapely
- unsociable
- unsound
- unspeaking
- unspecific
- unspecified
- unspoken
- unstable
- unstipulated
- unstressed
- unstructured
- unsubstantial
- unsure
- unsymmetrical
- unuttered
- unvocal
- unvoiced
- up for grabs
- up in the air
- vacillating
- vague
- vanilla
- vaporous
- vapory
- variable
- veiled
- visionary
- voiceless
- wan
- wandering
- washed out
- wasted
- wavering
- weak
- wee
- well-developed
- whirling
- whispered
- whispering
- wide
- wild
- with mixed feelings
- without character
- without form
- wordless
- worn
- zero-zero
- zipped
Définition of in distinct
Origin :- c.1400 (implied in indistinctly "equally, alike"), from Latin indistinctus "not distinct, confused," from in- "not, opposite of" (see in- (1)) + distinctus (see distinct). Related: Indistinctly; indistinctness.
- As in inarticulate : adj unable to speak well
- As in incoherent : adj unintelligible
- As in inconspicuous : adj hidden, unnoticeable
- As in indefinite : adj ambiguous, vague
- As in indeterminate : adj uncertain, vague
- As in indistinct : adj obscure, ambiguous
- As in light : adj small in amount, content
- As in loose : adj indefinite, vague
- As in misty : adj filmy, obscure
- As in muddy : adj dark and cloudy
- As in muffled : adj quietened
- As in nebulous : adj confused, obscure
- As in neutral : adj flat, dull to senses
- As in obscure : adj not easily understood
- As in obscure : adj cloudy, shadowy
- As in shady : adj dark, covered
- As in shapeless : adj formless
- As in silent : adj quiet; speechless
- As in subtle : adj nice, quiet, delicate
- As in thick : adj dense (referring to weather)
- As in uncertain : adj doubtful, changeable
- As in unintelligible : adj not understandable
- As in vague : adj not definite or clear
- As in weak : adj faint, soft
- As in bleary : adj blurry
- As in indiscernible : adj imperceptible
- As in ill-defined : adj fuzzy
- As in shadowy : adj hazy
- As in hushed : adj silent
- As in imponderable : adj imperceptible
- As in inappreciable : adj imperceptible
- As in indistinctive : adj neutral
- As in roiled : adj turbid
- As in roily : adj turbid
- As in shaded : adj shady
- As in smoggy : adj turbid
- As in stacked : adj shapely
- As in cloudy : adj hazy; darkened
- As in umbrageous : adj filled with shade
- As in unapt : adj doubtful
- As in unconspicuous : adj inconspicuous
- As in undistinct : adj unclear
- As in unnoticeable : adj inconspicuous
- As in unnoticeable : adj imperceptible
- As in unobservable : adj imperceptible
- As in unshaped : adj shapeless
- As in dark : adj lack of light
- As in dim : adj darkish
- As in doubtful : adj questionable, unclear
- As in dull : adj drab, lackluster in effect on senses
- As in equivocal : adj doubtful, uncertain
- As in faded : adj bleached; used
- As in faint : adj having little effect on senses
- As in foggy : adj hazy, obscure
- As in formless : adj disorganized, vague
- As in fuzzy : adj out of focus
- As in hazy : adj cloudy
- As in hazy : adj confused
- As in hoarse : adj raspy in voice
- As in illegible : adj unreadable
- As in impalpable : adj intangible, unsubstantial
- As in imperceptible : adj hard to sense; faint
Antonyms for in distinct
- able
- aboveboard
- active
- apparent
- articulate
- attached
- attenuated
- bare
- believeable
- believing
- biased
- big
- black
- boisterous
- bold
- bounded
- brave
- bright
- brightened
- brilliant
- brunette
- capable
- certain
- cheerful
- clamorous
- clean
- clear
- close
- cloudless
- coherent
- colored
- colorful
- committal
- common
- communicative
- comprehensible
- concentrated
- confident
- confirmed
- connected
- conspicuous
- constrained
- convinced
- courageous
- dark
- darkened
- decent
- decided
- decipherable
- defined
- definite
- determined
- difficult
- diluted
- dim
- discernible
- distinct
- distinguished
- dry
- dusky
- encouraging
- energized
- eventful
- evident
- exact
- excited
- exciting
- explained
- explicit
- exposed
- famous
- fat
- fathomable
- favorable
- finite
- firm
- fit
- fixed
- foreseeable
- formed
- forthright
- fresh
- friendly
- full of life
- gloomy
- good
- grave
- great
- guarded
- happy
- hard
- harsh
- healthy
- heavy
- honest
- honorable
- hopeful
- huge
- ignorant
- illuminated
- important
- indubious
- intelligent
- intelligible
- interesting
- invigorated
- joyful
- keen
- knifelike
- known
- laborious
- large
- legible
- light
- limited
- lively
- loose
- loud
- lucid
- luminous
- lustrous
- manifest
- meaningful
- measurable
- moral
- near
- nearby
- new
- nice
- noisy
- noticeable
- obscure
- obvious
- open
- organized
- palpable
- partial
- perceptible
- plain
- pleased
- pointed
- polite
- positive
- potent
- precise
- predictable
- predisposed
- prejudiced
- proportioned
- protected
- public
- pure
- quick
- radiant
- readible
- reasonable
- reliable
- reputable
- resolute
- resolved
- respectable
- restricted
- rich
- rough
- safe
- secure
- seeable
- sensible
- sensitive
- serious
- serrated
- settled
- shaped
- shapely
- sharp
- shining
- significant
- slight
- smart
- smooth
- soft
- solemn
- solid
- soothing
- sparkling
- specific
- stable
- sterile
- straightforward
- strengthened
- strict
- striking
- strong
- stupid
- substantial
- sufficient
- sunny
- sure
- symmetrical
- talkative
- tangible
- taut
- thick
- thin
- tight
- trusting
- trustworthy
- trusty
- unblocked
- unchanging
- uncloudy
- unconfused
- uncontrolled
- uncovered
- uncrowded
- understandable
- understanding
- understood
- undoubted
- unequivocal
- unfriendly
- unhazy
- unhidden
- unmysterious
- unobscured
- unquestionable
- unsociable
- unsubtle
- unused
- violent
- visible
- vivacious
- vivid
- warm
- watery
- weighted
- well-defined
- wild
- wise
- witty
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019